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CULINARY THRILL SEEKING — Cottage cheese helps hot peppers plus Pinole chips and more

I picked up a batch of fresh peppers from the market, and they were too hot for me. ...


TEXAS CERTIFIED EXPERT GARDENER — Lawn Care is about turfgrass weed management

Okay, I admit it … Spring season every year this gardener transforms into a “weekend warrior,” arriving to ...



LETTER TO THE EDITOR — Political vitriol and harassment have no place in Southeast Texas

As a lifelong Southeast Texan, I have always cherished our community’s shared values of respect, integrity, and neighborliness. ...


KATHIE’S KORNER — Enjoy “Soft Days” and remember it’s all God’s weather

As I begin my day, with my husband, our Great Dane, prayer, and coffee, it’s a cool, breezy ...


MOVIES BY THE SLICE — A look at “Dune” 40 years later

I recently revisited the theater for a 40th-anniversary screening of director David Lynch’s 1984 film “Dune,” the first ...


FILM REVIEW — “Dune 2” lives up to the hype

“Dune: Part 2” Warner Brothers Films Directed by Denis Villeneuve Starring Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Javier Bardem, ...


ASK A COP — Can school buses with yellow lights flashing be passed?

Leo asks: I saw a school bus on the side of the road with its yellow lights flashing. ...


CULINARY THRILL SEEKING — Those “poor” ol’ Cajuns have to eat shrimp

Cajun historian Jim LaBove says his family figured they were “poor,” as they lived off the land in ...


Free Autism Lunch and Learn planned; see the details

For parents Marc and Cristina, “Something Wasn’t Clicking” with their 1-year-old son, Ellis. But, after his autism diagnosis ...



LETTER TO THE EDITOR — Dade Phelan made history with Conservative victories

As a life-long conservative Republican woman, I’ve dedicated myself to advocating for conservative causes and supporting candidates who ...

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