2016 Primary Election Day Musings

Published 11:38 am Monday, February 8, 2016

By Dade Phelan

Texas Primary Election Day is less than a month away. It has been a long and meandering road for all candidates, especially those individuals running for this nation’s highest office. That race began as soon as the last one ended. Some of my personal observations as we approach March 1st.

Orange County is blessed with an abundance of well-qualified men and women ready, willing and able to serve. I had the opportunity to attend the many forums hosted by the Orange County Republican Party and one can feel the excitement and passion generated by all the candidates and their supporters. There is no better way to learn about your own community than to run for office. The concerns and priorities for some voters will often surprise you.

In Orange County 61 total candidates will be on the Republican ballot and 17 total candidates will be on the Democratic primary ballot. 25 Republican candidates are seeking local offices compared to 0 Democrats (outside their own party chair).

March 1st will go a long way in deciding the Republican nominee for President with twelve states holding primary elections. 361 total delegates will be on the line with Texas representing nearly 43% of the total with 155 delegates. The evening is dubbed “Super Tuesday” and if a frontrunner doesn’t emerge, it will most certainly clear the crowded field. Those single digit candidates can drop their bids and start pretending they are not interested in the Vice President slot. The Democratic race will most likely take longer to decide. Regardless, get ready for your television, radio and mailbox to be properly attended to by all the candidates.

There will be a book written one day about the Cruz campaign’s ground game in the early battleground states. It will be a best seller especially amongst political nerds like myself. Strategically speaking, he has run the best campaign and there is not a close second. Should the Texas Senator secure the nomination, his game plan will serve him very well through November.

One statistic that jumped off the page from the Iowa Caucus: 70% of voters under the age of 30 supported a renowned socialist. Perhaps they support the Bernie Sander’s outrage more then his economic and social policies. “I am mad as hell and I ain’t gonna’ take it any more” does sell. Or maybe lots of free stuff from the government sells too.

There is an old saying’ “Run scared or unopposed”. I am on the ballot this year and, fortunately for my family, will not have an opponent. Either I am doing something right or no one else wants the job. Regardless, it is has been the honor of a lifetime to represent Southeast Texas in the Texas House of Representatives. There are only 150 members who have the opportunity to serve over 27 million Texans and I thank you for the privilege.

If I may ever be of assistance, please contact me at dade.phelan@house.state.tx.us, 512.463.0706 or 409.745.2777.

May God bless you all and may God bless Texas,


Dade Phelan is Texas House Member Representative for District 21