Community Briefs 1.6.21
Published 12:59 am Wednesday, January 6, 2021
- Community Briefs
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The Phantom of the Opera Drive-Up Movie Night
Lutcher Theater will host The Phanton of the Opera – Broadway INspirted Drive-Up Style Movie Night at 7 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 2021. The show will play on a big screen. Bring your sweetheart and a picnic, to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the Lutcher. All we ask of you is that you wear your “mask,” observe social distancing & enjoy The Music of the Night!
The movie night is free, but each vehicle must have a reserved ticket to enter the parking lot and spaces are limited. Ticket reservations for “Phantom” will open on February 1, 2021.
Call the Lutcher Theater Box Office (409) 886-5535 for Showtime Under The Stars reservations.
Anger Management Class
In order to keep our clients and volunteers safe, we will be doing our upcoming Anger Management classes beginning Tuesday, January 12, 2021 via ZOOM 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
These will be three Tuesday night classes with homework.
If you have someone that needs to register, they can go to
Under the classes and services tab click on Anger Management class. There will be instructions there as well as a link for them to click on to register.
Once they register, we will send them information on what they will need to do prior to the date of the class.
Parenting Class
In order to keep our clients and volunteers safe, we will be doing our upcoming Parenting class on Saturday, February 20, 2021 via ZOOM.
This will be an all-day class 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
If you have someone that needs to register, they can go to
Under the classes and services tab click on Parenting class. There will be instructions there as well as a link for them to click on to register.
Once they register, we will send them information on what they will need to do prior to the date of the class.
Recycle, recycle, recycle
Keep Orange County Beautiful and Trashy Ladies are encouraging residents to sign up for recycling at No need to sort, just bag your clean recyclables in their bags and they will take care of the rest.
Blanket Drive
Gate City Guild #42 is hosting a Blanket Drive and collecting blankets to be distributed to nursing homes and to homeless persons in the area. Blanket Drive ends Jan. 31, 2021. We are trying to reach a goal of at least 400 blankets.
If you are able to donate a blanket, please drop it off to Dawn Burleigh at 1008 Green Ave. Orange, Texas.
Soup Kitchen
First Presbyterian Church, 902 Green Ave. in Orange, hosts a Soup Kitchen from 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Orange County Beekeepers Group Meetings
Meetings are suspended pending COVID-19 resolution. The Orange County Beekeepers Group normally meets the first Tuesday of each month 6 p.m. Anyone interested in Honeybees or Beekeeping is welcome to join us on Facebook, search Orange Texas Beekeepers.
We are a group of local beekeepers interested in spreading information about honeybees and the pollination service they perform. This group works with the Orange County Ag Agent to expand beekeeping opportunity in Orange. We also strive to aid and assist fellow beekeepers, any new beekeepers and the general public.
For information or assistance with Honeybee removals please contact the Orange County Agrilife office 409-882-7010.
South Texas State Fair
The South Texas State Fair will be held from March 25 – April 4, 2021.
Lamb, goats, swine and F1 heifer tag-in: TBD
Entry deadline for lambs, goats, swine and F1 heifers is December 1, 2020
Roaster pickup: January 22, 2021 (YMBL office)
Broiler pickup is February 12, 20201 (YMBL office)
Rabbit entry deadline is February 2, 2021
Food Pantry
5K Ministries Food Pantry, located at 9125 Skeeter, Orange, TX 77632 at the corner of Hwy 62 and Skeeter, three miles north of the intersection in Mauriceville, is open 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. on Fridays. For more information, call 409-745-7110