Daddy Daughter’s Day, Father-Son Day challenge
Published 2:43 pm Sunday, June 23, 2019
- Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
Just because God allows for a donation of sperm to cultivate an embryo does not a daddy make.
The transition from father to daddy is the manifestation of an intimate relationship spiritually, mentally, and emotionally with the children that God has so graciously given to us.
Father’s may be a part of the insemination process, a process by which the child is unaware of what is going on.
Daddys do not only produce but they also priest, they provide, they protect and they promote the very essence of their child, especially when it comes to daughters.
Daddys are the first line of love that they experience. Daddys are the barometers by which they will gauge other men. Daddys are the encyclopedias or google search by which they gather information on the male species. Daddys are a vital part of helping daughters to grow up healthy and whole.
Yes, we just celebrated Father’s Day.
I want to challenge every father to take their relationships with their children to another level.
First, answer these questions within yourselves, is your dislike for your child’s mother stronger than the love for your child? Are you so consumed with working that there’s limited time to work on the relationship with your child? Has the hurt from the lack of relationship with your father caused you to believe that you made it so will my child?
I purpose a challenge. Like real men, real fathers, real daddies to promote and cultivate over the next twelve months a deeper, stronger relationship with our child(ren), initiate, cultivate and participate in a Daddy-Daughter Day or Father-Son Day.
Let’s see what will happen to the family if we just concentrated on taking a day to work and cultivate a closer relationship with our children.
I’m not talking about coaching their teams or going to dance performances. I’m talking about spending some quality intimate time to get to know them and they get to know us. Building a line of trustful communication.
If your relationships are great, let’s look to make them glorious.
Let’s step up and man up and just see where we will be in twelve months.
What could it hurt? Better yet, who could it help? Who will join the challenge?
Demetrius Moffett is Senior Pastor of Orange Church of God, 1911 North 16th Street in Orange.