THC now accepting Preservation Scholars applications

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 9, 2019

To The Leader 

The Texas Historical Commission (THC) is accepting applications for the Summer 2019 Preservation Scholars Program, with a deadline of March 22, 2019.

The program is an eight-week, paid summer internship available to undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning about the field of historic preservation and gaining hands-on experience.

The Friends of the Texas Historical Commission created the Preservation Scholars Program to build interest in, and awareness of, careers in historic preservation, specifically among students from underrepresented cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Whether studying history, anthropology, architecture, graphic design, literature, or accounting, students interested in learning about how their area of study can be applied to historic preservation are encouraged to apply.  

Preservation Scholars will learn about the impact preservation programs can have on a community’s development and will gain exposure to vocational opportunities in the field of historic preservation. Scholars will work under the supervision of THC staff at the agency’s headquarters in Austin, potentially at THC historic sites, and with local preservation partners. During their time at the agency, scholars will complete a rotation among all THC divisions to better understand the interdisciplinary nature of historic preservation and will complete a project based on the student’s primary area of interest. 

Preservation Scholars will receive a $5,000 stipend for an eight-week internship. Brief progress reports will be required, both during the internship period and upon conclusion.   
To apply, students must meet all eligibility requirements, determine their top three THC divisions/internship projects, complete the online application, and submit official transcripts and two letters of reference. All materials must be postmarked by March 22, 2019.

For more information and to apply, visit

Eligibility requirements stipulate that applicants should be: U.S. citizens; college students who have completed 50 or more credit hours upon start of internship; attending a college or university in Texas or a Texas resident attending school out of state; recent graduates or college seniors applied to or accepted into a graduate program (proof of application or acceptance to a graduate program will be required); and maintaining a grade point average of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 system (or comparable GPA).