Community can help domestic violence survivors by donating to supply drive

Published 5:48 pm Saturday, November 10, 2018

By Dawn Burleigh

The Orange Leader


One in four women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime.

Nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States.

Approximately 4,000 women die each year to domestic violence.

To assist domestic violence survivors, Allstate agency owners are collecting much-needed supplies to benefit Family Services of Southeast Texas Inc., an organization which provides life-changing services to survivors, through November 16.

Family Services of Southeast Texas takes the stance that domestic violence is a learned behavior.

Family Services of Southeast Texas has a Battering Intervention and Prevention program which focuses on educating the batterer on the nature of family violence, changing beliefs and attitudes that lead to violence.

The organization also has a shelter for women in need of such services. While the group was founded in 1931, the primary purpose at the time was for food and other resources. Since the late 1970s and early 1980s, the organization has focused on domestic violence.

In the early days, the shelter was a house but has since become a facility with the ability to house 65-75 people.

A transitional unit is also available for women in need of staying longer.

However, one does not need to wait to be in a crisis situation with their significant other to reach out to Family Services of Southeast Texas.

Abusers can use :

  • Coercion and threats
  • Intimidation
  • Emotional abuse
  • Isolation
  • Minimizing, denying, and blaming
  • The children
  • Male privilege, such as treating her like a servant, making all the big decisions, being the one to define male and female roles
  • Economic abuse such as preventing or keeping her from keeping a job, or making her ask for money, taking her money

The organization will not turn anyone who is suffering from domestic violence and does not have to be in a crisis situation to receive services.

The 24-hour hotline number is 1-800-621-8882.

For someone to speak about domestic violence, the signs, and prevention, at an event, call 409-832-7575.

Allstate agency owners will collect critical supplies through Nov. 16 to benefit Family Services of Southeast Texas Inc. and the domestic violence survivors they serve.

The most-needed items include shampoo, body wash, bar soap, baby wipes, and diapers, and a full list can be found at

Financial abuse occurs in 99 percent of all domestic violence cases. The supply drives are part of a multi-city Allstate Foundation Purple Purse® effort to raise awareness and help domestic violence nonprofits in 15 cities across Texas.

Domestic violence programs across the country frequently lack sufficient funding and often operate with limited resources. Through their volunteer efforts of hosting supply drives, the agency owners will secure an Allstate Foundation Helping Hands® grant which will enable Family Services of Southeast Texas Inc. to further its work in the community.

Since 2005, The Allstate Foundation, through its Purple Purse initiative, has invested over $60 million to raise public awareness of domestic violence and financial abuse and has empowered more than 1.3 million survivors on the road to safety and security through financial education resources.

Each year, thousands of organizations receive Allstate Foundation Helping Hands grants secured by Allstate agency owners and financial specialists on behalf of the nonprofits where they volunteer. The grants support organizations addressing domestic violence, youth empowerment, disaster preparedness, hunger, and other causes.

Collection sites are:

Brent Walters Allstate at 395 Texas Ave., Bridge City

Mechille Wilson Allstate at 688 State Highway 62, Bridge City

Brent Walters Allstate at 101 N. Main St., Vidor