LCMHS student wins Kiwanis Regional Scholarship
Published 12:22 pm Saturday, August 25, 2018
- Photo courtesy of Anne Payne
Elizabeth Johns, second from left, was chosen the Outstanding High School Sophomore from thousands of applicants, in the Texas-Oklahoma Regional International Kiwanis, Division 10, and presented a plaque and letter for a $600 scholarship, on Thursday, at the Orange Kiwanis weekly noon meeting at Robert’s Restaurant. Elizabeth is a student at Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School and graduate of St. Mary Catholic School in Orange. Also pictured from left are Bill Klein, current Orange Kiwanis president; Elizabeth Johns, Bret Johns, Rebecca Cochran Johns; and Karen McKinney, Lt. Gov., Division 10, Texas-Oklahoma Regional International Kiwanis, and member of Orange Golden K Kiwanis.