Kissin’ Kuzzins: Sometimes Less is More
Published 11:34 am Wednesday, August 22, 2018
By Dickie Dixon
Belated birthdays August 20th: Gerie Currie Paulette, James Stevens
For Posterity’s Eyes August birthdays: 23rd: Golda Marze, Tyler Tippit 24th: Marion (Vines) Brown, Eric Giles 27th: Stanley Fletcher September birthdays: 1st: Mary Henry 3rd: Caleb Tippitt 4th: Joan Smith
Milestones Fred and Billie (Pate) Grunden were married on August 22nd in 1964.
Save the Date! (1) The Angelina County Genealogical Society is honored to sponsor the Happy 136th Birthday Lufkin! Celebration on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 from 8 a.m. to noon in the City Council Chambers in the Lufkin City Hall on 300 West Shepherd Ave. in downtown Lufkin, Texas (75904). At 8 a.m. Mount Enterprise resident John Langston will discuss “Brick Collecting.” At 9 a.m. Pineland native Wayne Fults will discuss “1900-1920 Era Coca Cola Bottles.” At 10 a.m. Dr. Neal Naranjo will discuss “A. B. Jennings and the Coming of the H.E.W.T. Railroad.” At 11 a.m. city officials, legislators, dignitaries, and city officials will add their thoughts for the Celebration.
For more information, please contact Dickie Dixon at (936) 240-8378, or e-mail him at
(2) The Angelina County Genealogical Society will honor Angelina College on its fiftieth anniversary this year in its regular September meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, September 17, 2018 in the Community Meeting Room at Kurth Memorial Library on 702 South Raguet Street in Lufkin, Texas (75904). Coffee and cookies begin at 3:30 p.m. Plans are to have a panel discussion from participants who went to school there, taught or worked there, or had relatives who worked or taught there. For more information, please contact Dickie Dixon at (936) 240-8378, or e-mail him at
(2) The Deep East Texas Archeological Society will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 19, 2018 for desserts and refreshments followed at 7 p.m. by a short business meeting and a program given by the man in charge of the Big Thicket Preserve. For more information, please call the Newton County Museum History Center and Genealogical Library at (409) 379-2109, Klaus Gehr at (337) 329-3829, or Dickie Dixon at (9360 240-8378. The public can e-mail Klaus at or Dickie at
Sometimes Less is More Having been an undergraduate English major and having taken a language or two in school, the speech of others sometimes registers with me. The usage I’m registering here is the use of comparative adjectives, like something was more better (Just kidding!) Like richer or poorer, to take the words from common marriage vows.
What I’m hearing—which to me is unnecessary—is: Instead of richer, I hear more rich. Instead of poorer, I hear more poor. The rule (I am shooting from the hip here now) is; If the adjective is shorter, it is acceptable just the comparative adjective suffix –er. If it is longer, then the word “more” can be added before the adjective to form the comparative of the adjective.
My conclusion: In implementing the rule in the regular way, i.e., by just adding the –er ending, sometimes less is more!
Eye on Books The Newton County Historical Commission is offering their newest book Once an Eagle by Bobby Bean for sale for $30 at the Newton County Museum History Center and Genealogical Library on 213 East Court Street in downtown Newton, Texas (75966). Interested parties can contact Kathy Knighton or Terri Woods there at (409) 379-2109
For book reviews/notices please send a complimentary copy to Kissin’ Kuzzins P. O. Box 151001 Lufkin TX 75915-1001
Send your queries to by mail to Kissin’ Kuzzins P. O. Box 151001 Lufkin TX 75915-1001 or by phone to (936) 240-8378