Kissin’ Kuzzins: Several events to help the genealogical research coming up
Published 9:44 am Wednesday, July 25, 2018
By Dickie Dixon
Belated birthdays July birthdays July 22nd: Patricia Carpenter, Paulette Font Walker 23rd: Bryce Nutt, Linda Parrish For Posterity’s Eyes July birthdays: 26th: Madison Grigsby, Nathan Worthen 27th: Catheryn (Bridges) Hall, Rev. Ruth Pruitt 28th: Ben Smith 29th: Gene Havard, Bobby Miller Teresa Jackson, Gerald “Jerry” French 30th: Melanie Bailey,Paige (Dickerson) Wieser, Jamie Kimmons 31st: Tina Wolf Jowell, Judy Somers, Lindsay Slaughter, Audra Coffman August birthdays: 1st: Blair Beckham 2nd: Leslie sue (Haak) McGaughey Save the Date (1)The Vernon Historical and Genealogical Society holds its monthly meeting on the 1st Saturday of each month. This month’s meeting will be held on August 4, 2018 at 12:30PM at the Vernon Parish Library Meeting Room, located at 1401 Nolan Trace, Leesville, LA. The guest speaker for the meeting will be Mr. Weldon McDaniel, Sabine County Texas Historical Commissioner. The topic of Mr. McDaniel’s presentation will be: The Signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence. If you are bringing a dish or drinks, etc., to the meeting, please let the group know so that we do not have duplicates. This is for planning purposes only. Thank you, Cheryl Tilley Perkins, Corresponding Secretary (2)Deep East Texas Archeological Society meeting Dr. Rachel Watson will speak at the Monday, August 6, 2018 meeting of the Deep East Texas Archeological Society at the Iris and Anne Howard Civic Center on 213 East Court Street in Newton, Texas. She serves in the Office of Cultural Affairs for the State of Louisiana. Although she will begin speaking about 7:15, at 6:30, guests and members of the Society will enjoy refreshments and desserts together. The public is invited to attend. The Deep East Texas Archeological Society was founded with preserving and protecting the archeology and history of the Native Americans in Newton County and its environs and the early history of Newton County as well. For more information, call the Newton County Museum History Center and Genealogical Library at (409) 379-2109, Klaus Gehr at (337) 329-3829, or Dickie Dixon at (936) 240-8378. The public can e-mail Klaus at or Dickie at (3)From the Newton County Historical Commission: You are cordially invited to the Newton County History Center & Museum Open House celebrating 30 years Wednesday August 8, 2018 1-5 P.M. 213 East Court Street (Howard Civic Center) Newton, TX 75966 & Once An Eagle book signing By Author Bobby Bean Refreshments to be served (409) (4) Newton County Historical Commission presents Huxley native Montez (Corbell) McNaughton will discuss “The Corbell Family in Shelby Countty” at 2 p.m. at the August 15, 2018meeting of the Timpson Area Genealogical & Heritage Society (TAGHS) at the Timpson Public Library on 520 Austin Street in downtown Timpson. The public is invited to attend. For more information, please contact Dickie Dixon at (936) 240-8378, or e-mail him at (5)
The Angelina County Genealogical Society For its 4 p.m. meeting on August 20, 2018, the Angelina County Genealogical Society will honor AM radio station KRBA for being on the air continuously since its first day, May 3, 1938. Dickie Dixon will serve as moderator; Stephen Yates, the son of Darrell Yates, founder of the station, and one of its original partners, will be on hand to discuss how the station began, how it fell completely in to his father’s hands, some of the radio personalities who worked and trained there, and some of the distinctives of the station. At 3:30 p.m., coffee and cookies will be served to the guests and members of the Society. Should you have information about the station, or if you would like to be scheduled to speak during the program, please contact Dickie Dixon at (936) 240-8378, or e-mail him at The public is invited to attend.
For book reviews/notices please send a complimentary copy to Kissin’ Kuzzins P. O. Box 151001 Lufkin TX 75915-1001
Send your queries to by mail to Kissin’ Kuzzins P. O. Box 15-1001 Lufkin TX 75915-1001 or by phone to (936) 240-8378