Many recognized at WOCCISD School Board meeting
Published 11:25 am Wednesday, May 23, 2018
- Anne Payne/The Orange Leader Retiring WO-S Middle School Principal Sherry Hardin, left, presents seventh grader Torri Culpepper with s certificate of achievement for qualifying for STEM State Competition in mathematics and science, sponsored by Texas Alliance of Minorities in Engineering (TAME). Also giving a smile of approval is WOCCISD Superintendent Dr. Rickie Harris.
By Anne Payne
The Orange Leader
Among those students honored at the Monday evening, WOCCISD School Board meeting include the All-State Academic Baseball Team, Caleb Ramsey and Chad Dallas, both WO-SHS seniors, as well as Texas Alliance of Minorities in Engineering State Conference qualifier in math and science, Torri Culpepper, WO-SMS seventh grader.
The WOCCISD Aspiring Administrator’s Leadership Academy also honored Brandon Allison and Denise Willingham, both Assistant Principals, WO-S Middle, and Tiffany Richard-Brown, Dean of Academics, WO-S Middle; Jennifer Watson, GT ELR Teacher, WO-S Middle; Vickie Oceguera, Principal, NELC; Karl Whitley, AP, WO-SE;
Dr. Alicia Sigee, Director, WOCCISD Student Services; Jenny Morgan, WOCCISD Diagnostician; and Rolanda Hollifield, AP, WO-SHS. All received certificates from Dr. Rickie Harris, WOCCISD Superintendent.
Meanwhile, all consent agenda items were approved: budget transfers, local CDA investment policy, local option residence homestead exemption for 2018, and annual co-op fees.
Likewise, Robin Hataway presented financial statements for general operating funds, food service, debt service, check register, tax collection 2017 and 2018, investment report, and Harvey update.
Vickie Oceguera, NELC Principal, reported on Head Start financials and presented the Head Start Director’s report.
Coach Russell Bottley furnished information for the upcoming BASS Fishing Tournament.
WOCCISD wants to start a Bass Fishing Team in the future. Bottley is currently seeking merchants to advertise on the team’s jerseys. WOCCISD has, until now, been the only school district in the county without a bass fishing team.
Dr. Nina LeBlanc and Hataway presented a substitute pay scale and substitute qualifications. A motion was passed allowing substitutes to have less than 24 college credit hours to enlarge the pool of substitutes.
Compared to other nearby school districts, WOCCISD will now be the highest paid to substitutes.
Dr. LeBlanc gained approval by the board for updated job descriptions of Coordinator of Student Services, Coordinator of Early College High School and Career and Technical Programs, and Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction.
The board also considered approval of the Alternative Graduation Requirements Resolution (EIF – Academic Achievement – Graduation), presented by Amanda Knox.
Finally, the issue of transporting students back and forth from AAC, the alternative education campus, was introduced for discussion by Heather Knox. Knox proposed that the district should stop transporting students by bus to the AAC campus. Several school board members were concerned about denial of bus privileges to these youngsters.
Dr. Harris, superintendent, intervened by commenting, “This is why we are having dialogue.”
Beverly Robinson, AAC Principal, reminded the board that she will be holding a summer session for students still needing to complete AAC time so their time will not have to be carried over into 2018-19.
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