Make your voice heard

Published 12:49 pm Wednesday, April 18, 2018

By Mary Ekene

Ask yourself this question? When I vote for a candidate, why am I voting for them? If you answer because they are your friend, or they are your uncle, they give you money, they are having an affair with you, or simply because you do not like the other candidate YOU ARE VOTING FOR THE WRONG REASONS.

When you vote for someone in an election, it is your job to make sure they will represent what they are standing for. It is not only meant for you to complain and harass the other candidates, but to make your point known that a change needs to be made.

Do your research. Find out if the candidates fully understand what they can bring to the table. Make sure the candidates that are running have the experience to lead their communities. Now you would not ask a chef who has never boiled hot water on a stove, to cook you a huge feast would you? No, you would want someone with experience.

An election should never be a popularity contest. Why vote for someone because you know them or what they can only do for you? No, look at the individual’s background, check their resume, see what they really do in the community.

Make sure they are consistent, and when I say consistent I mean they are taking part in volunteer groups, helping with students in the schools, networking with their peers, actively taking part in non-profit organizations etc.

There is enough backlash, negative media, gossip, scrutiny among human beings period. We need people who are going to really step to the table, make their voices known, and actually be about their word and do something to bring about a positive change.

So again, when you are trying to figure out who to vote for, make sure you are choosing the candidate who is the best man or woman for the job.

Orange, Texas it is that time to choose a mayor, representatives for the WO-S school board as well as the other candidates for the other positions in Orange, Texas.

Take your time, do your research and choose wisely. When you vote, you are making your voices heard. Let us hear you, loud and clear.


Mary Ekene/ Founder of Black Women Unite and Owner/CEO of Livol Liver Cleanse