Kissin’ Kuzzins: Sara’s Christmas

Published 4:29 am Saturday, December 9, 2017

By Dickie Dixon

Belated birthdays:  December birthdays:  4th:  Jean Wicker, Ethan fatheree  5th:  Tracy Hicks

For Posterity’s Eyes:  7th:  Annika Joy Friesen 8th:  Mary E. Fortenberry 9th:  Heather Butler 10th:  David Alexander 11th:  Rocky Joe Tippit 12th: Tamberley Adams, Cindy Doran 13th;  Seth Tippit, Jennifer Ricks 14th:  George Wright

Milestones:  Hershel Dixon, Sr. was born December 13, 1908.

Sara’s Christmas:  The year after my father retired and sold his business, he passed away.  Fortunately, for my mother they had prepared for the future, and financially my mother was sitting pretty.  She received a monthly payment on the business, rent for the Lufkin and Diboll store buildings she still owned, rent from the four rent houses she owned, my father’s social Security check, and interest income on her savings.

As my girls, Sasha and Sara, grew up, we lived a few houses down from them, so they were able to see her frequently.  During that time I was working for my parents, so the opportunities for them to see my mother were greatly increased.  We worked together, socialized together, ate together and did many things together.

We also celebrated Christmas together, and later did that jointly with my wife’s family, who lived in Keltys and the Lufkin area.  One Christmas my wife told me a story about a gift my youngest daughter Sara had given my mother.  Now as I said, my mother had a good relationship with my daughters, and Sara wanted to give her something that would express her love for her.  So, Sara approached my mother and offered her the gift.  When my mother opened it, there it was:  a one dollar bill. Now to an adult, normally a one dollar gift wouldn’t be that significant; however, once my mother realized that to a child under ten, a one dollar gift might be significant because Sara didn’t have very many of those.

So, my mother thanked her, and with heart warmed, realized that she had just witnessed a widow’s mite Christmas. Like the widow, whom Jesus witnessed gave all she had—unlike the others, who gave out of their plenty, Sara had given something of which she didn’t have many.  Once my mother realized that, it’s always axiomatic:  It’s not the size of the gift that matters, it’s the size of the heart of the giver that makes all the difference.   And so, today, it’s hoped that you, the readers will have your heart warmed now that you have read about Sara’s Christmas.

Save the Date! The Angelina County Genealogical Society will hold its December meeting/Christmas party on December 18, 2017 at 3 pm in the fellowship hall of Keltys United Methodist Church on Old Mill Road in Keltys, Texas.  Speakers for the event will be Rex Parkman and Bill Wesley, discussing their service to our country during World War II and after; Bill will discuss guarding Tojo for the war crimes trials.  Members and guests of the Society will enjoy a potluck dinner and a gift exchange.  For more information, call Dickie Dixon at (9360 240-8378, or email him

Dickie Dixon will discuss “Ten Good Reasons You Need to Use City Directories in Your Research,’ when he speaks to the Vernon Parish Genealogical Society on January 6, 2018 in the Vernon Parish Library in Leesville, Louisiana.  For more information, call the Vernon Parish Library.

The Newton County Historical Commission is sponsoring the Newton County Genealogy Conference on Saturday, February 10, 2017 in the Newton County Civic Center on 213 East Court Street.  For more information, call Dickie Dixon at (936) 240-8378, or e-mail him at

For book notices or reviews please send me a complimentary copy to Kissin’ Kuzzins  P. O. Box 151001 Lufkin TX 75915-1001

Send your queries to by mail to Kissin’ Kuzzins P. O. Box 151001 Lufkin TX 75915-1001 or by phone to (936) 240-8378