Letter to the Editor 8.26.17

Published 7:53 am Saturday, August 26, 2017

(editor’s note: When The Orange Leader received this letter, Hurricane Harvey was known as a Tropical Storm at the time.)

The predicted approach of Tropical Storm Harvey reminds us on the Gulf Coast that it’s not if, it’s when a hurricane will hit. Our region is hit by a major hurricane about every 15 years. Many of us have lived through and recovered from Alicia, Allison, Rita, Katrina, and Ike. Hurricane Ike alone caused $30 billion in damage and killed more than 100 people.

Engineers at Texas A&M and Rice University have designed storm surge protection that would protect the southeast Texas coast from damage and loss of life. The proposed cost is $12 billion – a bargain compared to the cost a Katrina-like hurricane would result in: losses to the Texas economy of $73 billion in gross product and 863,000 jobs.

Construction of the “Ike Dike” would bring good-paying jobs to the area, and a sense of pride that we are working to protect our community.

As we prepare for a potential hit from Harvey, I urge you to contact your representatives and tell them that it’s time to protect the Texas coast, our community, our lives, and the economy from these predictable natural disasters.

Let’s hope that Harvey is a non-event.

Jon Powell

Candidate for Congress, TX-36