The move of the century
Published 1:57 pm Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Editorial by Chris Kovatch
What I have coined the move of the century took place last week. We moved. After an eternity (10 years) in our ‘temporary’ home, we made the move to what I classify as our forever home. The final result? It went rather well.
I have been a participant in more moves than I care to admit. With this likely being our last move, it brings on a feeling of relief…and sadness. With each move I have learned something to make the next one easier. This final move brought about the biggest leap forward yet. We hired movers. The guys at Cardinal Moving took great care of us and my family (along with my back) is very appreciative. The fact that we didn’t have to handle the heavy lifting allowed us to share a little bit more in excitement surrounding our new home.
Our new home is nicer than any home I ever imagined living in. In fact, I feel a little out of place in it. I have enlikened our move to some sort of mix between The Beverly Hillbillies and The Brady Bunch. In the end, it has helped me realize that hard work and focus do pay off in the end…eventually….even if it seems like an eternity of waiting.
Our new home has allowed us to spread out a bit even though most of the space we gained came in the form of the master bath and closet. You wont hear me complaining about that! It has also brought us into a neighborhood abundant with kids for my kids to become friends with. When I was growing up, the majority of my memories were of living in Greenway I and running West Beverly and the surrounding streets on my bike from what seemed like dusk till dawn. The ‘kids’ I hung out with are now adults with families of their own, but we still keep in touch. That’s what I want for my kids. I want them to play outside without fear of something bad happening. I want them to use their imagination and enjoy nature. Most of all, I want them to form friendships that last a lifetime. Our house has been flush with extra kiddos since we moved in and I love it. Friends or family members have been over to just hang out. I love that too.
With all the excitement the move has brought, it also closes a chapter of our lives. The house that the majority of kids have known as their home for their lives to date is no longer ours. For all the things we wanted to ‘fix’ in the house, it was still an amazing home. It’s where Thayer created Sharpie masterpieces on the walls. It’s where 2 of my kids learned to walk. It’s where I had to shimmy up Oak Trees to keep up with the neighborhood Christmas decorations. (Note to Bobcat Trails: I am definitely bringing my ‘A’ game this Christmas). It’s a place that I will remember fondly and share stories about how it helped form our family.
This whole process has taught me that there is a time for everything. Pieces will fall into place when they are supposed to and not necessarily when we want them to. Most importantly, it has taught me that hard work does pay off. Yes there will be bumps and bruises along the way and that’s just life. The commitment that we have towards our goals is paramount. Don’t give up. You never know when things will turn that corner.