Letter to the Editor – You can’t trust the agents of scare?
Published 8:05 am Wednesday, December 14, 2016
November 8, 2016, a day that sent a strong rebuke to the authors and purveyors of big government.
However you personally want to read the message sent by the people (voters), change is requested and expected.
But meanwhile the figurehead leader of public health, the US surgeon general and various other professional agents of scare say that government intervention is needed again on the smoking issue. Why?
It is reported that nicotine is a danger to a teen’s brain when they smoke an e-cigarette and is a pathway to regular smoking.
Is this true? Who cares. The agents of scare are here to tell you what to think and fear…..and that is that they can’t be wrong. No one is allowed to disagree or mess with their power.
The truth is meaningless, their power to dictate public policy is their new truth. E-cigarettes, in the real world is a much safer alternative to regular smoking, and aids in a major way to quitting cigarettes, which is a real public health win.
Why would anti-smokers not care about real public health advancements? Smoking, their power over smokers and how they can profit from it is all they really care about. The proof is the latest election. Skillfully written state ballot propositions in 4 states North Dakota, Colorado, Missouri and California
(the only state to pass the increase) that asked for excise tax increases, had no accountability to the state and didn’t say how the money would be spent. This is millions of dollars that is by state law taken from smokers with no accountability to the state. This is an instrument for potential theft and fraud of
smokers/taxpayers money. All the states listed above had the same language for potential abuse, meaning that how it was done was coordinated nation-wide.
The EPA, CDC, FDA and WHO have all lied about the dangers of smoking for decades. Smokers are looking for relief. Junk science and those effected by it are looking to Washington after January 20, 2017 for hope of deliverance.
Dave Pickrell
President and founder
Smokers Fighting Discrimination, Inc.
A not for profit organization