LCM names “Of the Year” employees
Published 11:24 am Wednesday, June 1, 2016
- Photos courtesy of Little Cypress-Mauriceville CISD Teachers of the Year from left are Stacey Arabie, Shannon Blankenship, Billy Gay Davis, Heidi Strandberg, Michael Corman and Brenda Jones.
Special to The Leader
At the Annual End of Year Celebration event, Little Cypress-Mauriceville CISD honored staff who had completed service years in increments of 5 and its retirees. Others who were recognized were the staff members “Of the Year” who were selected by their co-workers. This year’s Teachers of the Year included Shannon Blankenship – Mauriceville Elementary, Heidi Strandberg – Mauriceville Middle, Billy Gay Davis – LCM High School, Michael Corman – Little Cypress Junior High, Stacey Arabie – Little Cypress Elementary and Brenda Jones – Little Cypress Elementary. Stacey Arabie was chosen as the District’s Elementary Teacher of the Year. Heidi Strandberg is the Teacher of the Year for Secondary. These two will be submitted to Region 5 as the LCM representatives in the Regional competition.
The Paraprofessionals of the Year is a new award for LCM CISD. Each campus chose one of their paraprofessional staff and the departments, who have fewer paraprofessionals, chose one person as representative for the non-campus groups. Maintenance, Child Nutrition and Transportation each selected an Employee of the Year. These are Kelli Womack – Maintenance, Tammy Ambrose – Transportation and Julie King- Child Nutrition. Campus Paraprofessionals include Debbie Stephenson – Non-Campus, Donna Pitts – MVE, Debbie Harris – MMS, Debra Champine – LCE, Nancy Blanchard – LCI, Linda Riddick – LCJH and Gail Vincent – LCM HS.

Department Employees of the Year are Kelli Womack – Maintenance, Julie King- Child Nutrition and Tammy Ambrose – Transportation.

Paraprofessionals of the Year from left are Debbie Stephenson, Debra Champine, Debbie Harris, Nancy Blanchard, Gail Vincent and Linda Riddick. Donna Pitts was unavailable for the photo.