Kiwanis unites to support Deweyville Elementary
Published 11:20 am Wednesday, April 20, 2016
- Courtesy photo Pictured from left are Kiwanians Donna Darby, Lacey LeMoine, Kristi Charrier, Katie Fusilier Rather, LaJuan Addison (Deweyville Elementary Principal), Johnny Trahan, and Gil Mazolla as Kiwanis groups presents a donation of $6,300 to Deweyville Elementary School.
Special to The Leader
When students from Deweyville Elementary School celebrated their return to class last week after the historic flooding devastated their community, they were welcomed with a pep rally and the support of the Kiwanis Club of Orange, Texas.
“It’s a great day to be a pirate!” Deweyville High School Principal Brad Haeggquist said.
Students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members enjoyed getting back into routine with cheers and music from the Lamar University and Deweyville High School bands.
Kiwanis Club of Orange, Texas members attended the pep rally and donated $6,300 in backpacks, school supplies, as well as Orange Stationer gift certificates for teachers and support staff to purchase additional materials.
Club President, Katie Fusilier Rather said the donation was a concerted effort from the local club, the Kiwanis Texas-Oklahoma District, the Golden K Kiwanis of Orange, and St. Mary’s Catholic School.
“Students and staff from St. Mary’s played a key role as they not only collected school supplies, they filled the Kiwanis backpacks, and delivered them to the Deweyville Elementary students,” Rather said.
Following the pep rally, Kiwanians Johnny Trahan and Shane Johns sweetened the day for the Deweyville Pirates by providing them with Bluebell Ice Cream.
Principal Haeggquist told Kiwanians, “We are just thrilled by everyone’s response. You made our children’s lives better.”