Hillary gets “Press Passes” on other older scandals too

By Harold Pease, Ph. D

Even as I write fallout from Hillary’s Email Scandal has apparently cost the life of our Iranian friend and informer Dr. Shaharam Amiri, a pro-American nuclear scientist, and the pro-Hillary news sources either refuse, or minimize, coverage on it.  Those who are covering it attribute Hillary as having “blown his cover.”  There were emails with her senior staff on Amiri.  He was compromised by our potential next president and hanged recently for being an American spy.  Other deaths from Clinton’s reckless email behavior are sure to follow.

Clinton’s more than 270-day refusal to hold a press conference prohibits reporters from asking her questions on this, other breaking stories, and past scandals.  She is counting on voter ignorance of these stories to place her in power.  This is why we continue to cover a few of the scandals attributed to her that her news outlets refuse to share as they have already, in their minds, elected her president.  Someone once said, “Those who fail to understand history are condemned to relive it”

In previous columns we have covered Whitewater, Cattle-Futures Gate, Travelgate, Filegate, and the Lincoln Bedroom for profit.  Hillary largely masterminded these and the other older scandals we review today.  She has always been the brain of the combo with Bill’s many “gates” primarily due to his inability to keep his pants up.

Chinagate: high-tech secrets exchanged for campaign contributions.
This could still be America’s biggest scandal, far larger than Watergate.  The Clinton-Gore campaign in 1996 was low in the polls and needed additional funding thus became open to bribes from Chinese banks in exchange, it is alleged, for high-tech secrets, some perhaps with nuclear application.  Part of the plan, under Hillary’s instruction to Ron Brown, then Secretary of Commerce, was to sell “seats on department trade missions to China,” and elsewhere, to “corporate figures in return for big contributions.” On one such “pay to play” mission, Ron Brown, who allegedly opposed the scandal and could have derailed it, was killed in a plan crash in Croatia.  Joint congressional committees already conducting hearings on what was already labeled Chinagate, ended abruptly when Democrats discovered wrongful acceptance of campaign contributions by the Republicans.  Bipartisan support for non-disclosure of mutual corruption was complete, besides the Monica Lewinski Sex Scandal had taken front page and American was far more interested in it.

Clinton’s Sexual Proclivities protected. 
The sexual proclivities of President Bill Clinton concern us in two ways.  First, how could Hillary “stand by her man” with the vast number of extra marital affairs that he conducted under her nose as governor of Arkansas and in the White House?  Was she that naive? Two women, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willy had to flee from him and another Juanita Broaddrick, unable to flee, claimed rape.   Second, Clinton’s sexual victims accused Hillary of using her position of power as First Lady, to “stalk, scare and threaten them,” thereafter.

White House Looting 
When the Clinton’s left the White House they absconded with furniture and other valuables—even silverware.  They argued that these were donated articles to them but contact with the manufactures and donors showed them to have been donated to the White House, not the Clinton’s, in a “redecoration project in 1993, during Clinton’s first year in office.” All such had been “designated official White House property” at the time by the Park Service.  Public pressure resulted in their returning some of the furniture.

Pardongate: how much does a pardon cost?
One of the special constitutional powers of a president is the pardoning power allowing him to extend grace under unusual circumstances, but the Clintons’ learned how to use this power for cash and extended such to many their final days in power when 176 pardons and commutations were given.  The most controversial was to Marc Rich an international fugitive, on the FBI’s Most Wanted List until the pardon, who pled guilty to 78 felony counts and who was “indicted on fifty-one more counts of illegal activity, including tax evasion and racketeering.”  Wife, Denise Rich, “gave about a million and a half dollars combined to the Clinton Library and other Clinton causes,” according to the House Government Reform Committee.  The Hillary Clinton 2000 Senate campaign also received a sizable contribution from Denise.  Two other controversial pardons went to Bill’s brother Roger and Hillary’s brother Hugh Rodham, both received money for lobbying for pardons for others.

IRS Auditing Scandal: adversaries come first
Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have each used the IRS against their political adversaries.  The audit, or fear of an audit, is a very powerful weapon to silence and intimidate others; a power that should never be at the discretion of the president at all, yet President Clinton used it for eight years.  Those who resisted his sexual advances especially Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick and went public, even Gennifer Flowers after her disclosure of his 14-year adulterous relationship with her, received audits, presumably at the instigation of Hillary.  Virtually every national conservative organization in this country was audited, some more than once, yet during the same eight years the Washington Times could not “identify a single liberal public policy organization “ that had been audited (WND, “Here They Are: Hillary’s 22 Biggest Scandals Ever,” May 05, 2015).

Again, “Those who fail to understand history are condemned to relive it.”

Dr. Harold Pease is an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He has taught history and political science from this perspective for over 25 years at Taft College. To read more of his weekly articles, please visitwww.LibertyUnderFire.org.


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