Sponsors hopping on train in support of Boogie Woogie Train Gala

Special to The Leader———

Excitement is increasing in town in anticipation of the upcoming Boogie Woogie Train Gala, hosted by the Friends of the Orange Depot, on Nov. 12 at the Orange County Convention and Expo Center, 11475 FM 1442, from 6:30-10 p.m. Tickets to the event, a $30 donation, are available at Lookin Good Salon, 3711 N. 16th in Orange. Donation will include heavy appetizers, beer and wine, music by a world-class boogie rock entertainer, and free parking.

The non-profit organization (F.O.O.D.) appreciates the businesses that have jumped on board to be sponsors for the annual event. At the current time, major sponsors are Capital Title, a Shaddock Company, Claybar Funeral Home, Sabine Title and First Financial Bank. Others are Mathews Jewelers, Granger Chevrolet, Crown Pizza in Beaumont, Hogan Steel and Erectors, Inc., Liz Hogan, Agent, Allstate Insurance/Fit Life, Michael Dubois, PC, Steirman-Whitfield, KOGT Radio and Top Deck. Volunteers are calling on many other businesses, in hopes they will help toward the goal, the restoration of the depot.

Bill Shaddock, owner of Capital Title, the largest independent title company in Texas, is a Vice President and a founder of F.O.O.D. A resident of Dallas, he said, “I am proud to express my hometown pride with my sponsorship and stand with the people of Orange in helping to renovate the Depot. It is my hope that my gift will help stimulate additional community support to preserve and enhance the cultural amenities of our fine city, resulting in an improved quality of life and community pride.”

There are four levels of sponsorship available: $5,000, $2,500, $1,000, and $500. At the top level, in addition to ten free tickets to the event and logo in all promotional advertising, the companies will receive a banner ad on the F.O.O.D. website for a full year. The $2,500 level will receive the same, with only six months banner on the website. Both the $1,000 and $500 level will receive free tickets and their name will be included in promotional and program materials, and announced by the MC/Conductor several times throughout the evening.

KOGT radio station manager Gary Stelly will be Chief Conductor/MC at the gala, and Ron Cowling, the Chief Auctioneer. With advance planning, the gala committee and Rose Simar, auction chair, has collected many silent and live auction items, which will be announced closer to the event. Board member Susan Quigley is heading the gala committee, made up of the following volunteers: Diana Hill, Katherine Frey, Rose Simar, Rose Tarver, Sandra Hoke, and J. David Derosier. Potential sponsors are encouraged to contact Susan at squigley@gt.rr.com for the sponsor packet.
