Friends of the Orange Depot Board Meeting

The next meeting of the Friends of the Orange Depot board and volunteers is scheduled for Thursday, September 24, 5:30PM at the Depot.  Since the group has not been able to meet for a number of months, it is important that everyone who is able be in attendance to handle the items on the agenda.

Because of the pandemic, health protocols will be in place for the meeting.  Temperatures will be taken, tables sanitized and separated, and masks should be worn.  Please bring your own bottles of water as no refreshments will be served under the present circumstances.

Guest will be City Manager Mike Kuntz who will be available to answer the group’s questions about 11th Street situation.  Final vote will be taken.

The organization, because of the pandemic concerns, had to cancel the postponed annual Depot Day fundraiser, which was to be held on October 3.  Depot Day will be held at the normal time, the first Saturday in May 2021.

In the last few weeks, the city has allowed special events to be held at the Depot at 50% occupancy.  Anyone wishing to book an event at the depot can call 409-330-1576.
