Positive Highlights: Women to Empower Women

Published 9:48 pm Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Mary Ekene

The 20/20 “Still I Rise” Conference will propel you into your destiny and realign you with your authentic goals. 

It is an event held at Empowerment Church 3600 Memorial Port Arthur, Texas 77642. Pastor Kenneth and Janice Milo are the pastors of this great church. 

This conference will shift you into your purpose for the next season in your life. It will be very life-changing and rewarding to your soul.  The theme is “You were born for this”, Jeremiah 1:5 and you can register today online at stilliriseconference.net.

Women knew only one thing and that was to always put everyone else before themselves.  None of them knew how to take “me time” for themselves. They didn’t understand being restored, refreshed, revived and rising from a posture of discouragement and defeat.  This conference is a platform for Women to Empower Women. When women are empowered, they, in turn, rise up and empower their families, their colleagues, other women, and their communities, according to the website.

We hope you all bless us with your attendance; you do not want to miss out on this special treat.  See you there!


Mary Ekene/ Activist and Author of Bring Positivity Back/ Founder of Liv