Searching for volunteers
Published 12:18 am Wednesday, June 17, 2020
- From the Editor
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People want to this or that in the area but when it comes time to do the ‘footwork’, those voices disappear.
Case in point, the city of Orange has several committees where a person can volunteer and learn more about what it takes to make a city operate.
At a recent Orange City Council Meeting, several residents were reappointed to serve on a committee because the city was not receiving any applications to serve on the boards.
With 11 boards and committees to fill, it offers plenty of opportunity for citizens to serve the city.
Board and Commission members are appointed by the City Council for two-year terms and may serve a total of four two-year terms. The individuals who serve on the City’s Boards and Commissions serve in a volunteer capacity.
According to the city’s website, it is currently taking applications for the following board and commission openings:
- Board of Adjustment
- Citizens Advisory Committee
- Civil Service Commission
- Convention and Visitors Bureau Advisory Board
- Economic Development Corporation
- Historic Preservation Board
- Housing Authority Board
- Library Advisory Board
- Planning and Zoning Board
To apply, one can download an application on the website at or call the City Secretary at 409-883-1042
You will also find a list of the boards and what they do.
Here it is so you can consider volunteering today. Note that not all the boards meet regularly, they meet when there is a need at the time of the scheduled meetings.
Historic Preservation Commission
Created by Resolution 1996-131, the Historic Preservation Commission consists of five members. The Commission promotes the historic features of Orange to residents of Orange County; disseminates information to the public, owners of historic landmarks and owners of property within historic districts about the preservation and enhancement of historic landmarks; and reviews building plans with applicants anticipating new construction in designated historic districts. The Commission also conducts research on the historic features of the city; makes recommendations on potential historic landmarks; considers landmark improvement plans, and other duties as set forth in the City of Orange Code of Ordinances. Meetings are held on as needed basis in the Community Room at the Neighborhood Facility 303 N. 8th Street Orange, Texas 77630.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Created by Ordinance 1964-29, and amended by Ordinance 1967-32, the Planning and Zoning Commission consists of seven members. Meetings are held on as needed basis in the City Council Chambers at 3:00, 220 N. Fifth Street; Orange, Texas.
The Commission makes recommendations to the City Council concerning proposed changes in land use or zoning that may affect the welfare of the community. In addition, the Commission also makes decisions concerning proposed subdivision developments and is responsible for the development and maintenance of the City’s Comprehensive Master Plan.
Library Advisory Board
Created by Ordinance 1968-14, the Library Advisory Board consists of five members. Quarterly meetings are held in February, May, August and November.
The Board serves as an advisory committee to the City Council and the Orange Public Library. The Board conducts studies of special problems relating to library service and operations, and makes library service policy recommendations to the City Council and/or City Manager.
Housing Finance Corporation
Created by Resolution 1979-91, the Housing Finance Corporation consists of five directors and was formed to provide a means of financing the cost of residential ownership and development that will provide safe housing.
Housing Authority Board
The Housing Authority Board consists of five members. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. The Board makes independent decisions and acts in an advisory capacity directly to the Orange Housing Authority operating under HUD guidelines.
Economic Development Corporation
The Economic Development Corporation consists of seven members. It is organized exclusively on behalf of the City of Orange for the public purposes of promoting community improvement and economic development of new and expanded business enterprises within the City and the State of Texas. The corporation provides and encourages employment in the furtherance of the public welfare of, for and on behalf of the City by developing, implementing, providing, and financing projects under the Development Corporate Corporation Act of 1979 and as defined in Section 4B of the Act.
Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission was created by Ordinance 1953-58 and includes three members and one Director. Meetings are held on an as-needed basis.
Established in accordance with the Local Government Code governing Police and Fire Civil Service employees.
Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Board
The Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Advisory Board assists the city in the proper operation of the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau by making recommendations for the expenditure of hotel/motel tax revenues to encourage tourism within the City of Orange.
Citizen’s Action Committee
This committee reviews applications and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding levels of CDBG funding consistent with the Citizen’s Participation Plan and the City of Orange Consolidated Plan.
Committee members review applications, interview students, and make the selection for the City of Orange Scholarship Program.
Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment was created by Ordinance 1984-62, consists of five members. Meetings are held on as needed basis in the City Council Chambers at 5:30, 220 N. Fifth Street; Orange, Texas.
This board was established according to applicable state law primarily to grant variances from the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance. It also is empowered to approve special exceptions.
Dawn Burleigh is general manager and editor of The Orange Leader. She can be reached at