Orangefield ISD updates information

Published 1:57 pm Wednesday, April 29, 2020

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UPDATE (7): Orangefield Independent School District

Flexible Education Program (FEP) Phase V

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

By executive order, Texas Governor Greg Abbott closed Texas school facilities through the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.

Orangefield ISD will continue the FEP Plan implemented on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, to maintain instructional continuity as the 2019-2020 school year comes to a close. Assignments will continue to be issued to our students with the final due date for all assignments being Monday, May 18, 2020.

FEP Plan Assignment Distribution-

Orangefield ISD will continue our web-based assignment program for the remainder of the Spring semester. Teachers will provide online lessons and support through Google Classroom. Our goal is to provide the best quality education and minimize the COVID-19 risk factors.

As a reminder, Orangefield ISD installed parking lot Wi-Fi access at the following locations for students and families to use as needed as an assignment download and submission site. This is intended to be a drive-up system; therefore, students and families should remain in their vehicles. This is currently available.

Elementary: Cafeteria Parking Area

Junior High: Eastside Parking Area (football stadium side)

High School: 100 Building Parking Area (building closest to the football stadium) and 200 Building (main entrance area) Parking Area.

If you have any questions or concerns please email us at

Completed Assignments-


All completed paper-based assignments may be turned in by taking a photo of the completed work and submitting it to Google Classroom. A help guide for submitting non-interactive assignments to Google Classroom is available on the Orangefield ISD webpage by choosing the Google Help option under the Parents tab.

If that option is unavailable, completed paper assignments can be dropped in the LARGE GRAY MAILBOXES located at the front of each campus with student name and grade level written on them.

Grading Policy-

***All assignments issued during our school facility closure are very important and should be completed in a timely manner. These assignments will provide our faculty and staff with the information necessary to ensure your children have met the necessary standards for graduation and promotion to the next grade level.***

It is crucial that every effort is made to complete assignments and turn them in online through Google Classroom. Paper-based assignments should be turned into the locations listed above.

Pre-Kindergarten through 8 Grade Standards

Satisfactory– student completes all or most of the required assignments issued during the school facility closing with success

Unsatisfactory– student fails to complete all or most of the required assignments issued during the school facility closing with success

High School Standards(8th grader(s) taking high school courses and 9th grade through 12th grade)

Overall numerical grade on assignments issued during school facility closure for credit purposes. Grades of 70 or better will be considered passing. Grades of 69 or below will result in no credit for that course.

All Grades– Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance will be based on the end of the 4th Six Weeks.


Orangefield ISD plans to honor the graduating Class of 2020 at an upcoming ceremony. We are unsure that the current date, time, and location will remain scheduled due to COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings.

If necessary, any adjustments to the current graduation plan will be based on guidance related to assemblies of large crowds and public events for health and safety purposes. Any changes will be shared with our students, their families, and our community through media releases.

Please use the email above if you have any questions or concerns about our grading expectations at this time.

Student Pick up and Drop off of Assignments, School Material, Equipment, Library Books, School Property, and Personal Items

Students will be able to pick up or drop off school material, equipment, library books, school property, and personal items on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the following locations:

Pick up and Drop off Locations:

High School Cafeteria Area: (behind the high school)

Junior High School Southside Entrance: (closest to the football stadium)

Elementary School: (cafeteria exit near the student drop off and pick up)

High School Band Hall

Athletic Fieldhouse

Technology Device and Mifi Drop Off

All technology devices that were checked out to students during the COVID-19 closure should be returned on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. or Thursday, May 21, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the following location:

High School Cafeteria Area: (behind the high school)

Child Nutrition Program

Our district will continue to serve meals each weekday from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at our Junior High campus.

Student lunch money will be rolled forward for the 2020-2021 school year.

High School Seniors will receive notice in the near future with options for meal account balances.

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Roundups

Our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Roundups will begin in the near future. Please continue to monitor our website, media outlets, and social media applications for data related to these events. This year will be a web-based enrollment.