Newton County Sheriff’s report 3.2.20
Published 9:56 am Monday, March 2, 2020
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Press Release — Hope everyone had a great week. Not too bad around here. Let me start off by thanking all the area Go Texan Committees here in SE Texas. They work so hard for our kids. Great job to Newton, Jasper, Tyler, Sabine, Hardin, Orange and Jefferson County Go Texans. We had a great weekend.
We ran a search warrant in the Bon Wier area. We recovered several stolen items including guns, game camera, and lots of hunting clothes that came from deer camps. Recovered some deer head mounts. Missing any mounts, give us a call. Great job Deputy Sonny White for putting this together.
Deputy Cathey got after a guy who ran from him on foot. A couple of men from Deweyville helped Scott chase him. They didn’t catch him, but we know who he is. Thanks to those men who helped Deputy Cathey.
We get so many calls where ex-girlfriends and boyfriends, ex-husbands and ex-wives are feuding over custody of the children. If you can’t act right, how can you expect your kids to act right. The police can’t fix these kinds of problems.
Received a call from Jefferson County ER about a woman who had been assaulted at a deer camp somewhere in Newton County. She wasn’t sure what time. We are looking into it. Not much to go on now.
Gotta go. Thought for the week: Never laugh at your wife’s choices. You are one of them. Ya’ll have a great week and if we can help, just holler. God Bless.