Positive Highlights: Being mindful of how we treat each other
Published 8:01 pm Saturday, February 15, 2020
- Positive Highlights by Mary Ekene
It was late in the evening; I was driving on my way home from work when my cell phone rang.
“Mary, I do not want to be here anymore. I do not want to live.”
I was very startled by this phone call because this certain individual never gave any signs of depression. This person has money, a good partner, children, anything this person wanted was right there.
My heart was very saddened by this and I went in my mode of telling this certain individual how great their existence was and will still be. I prayed with them and repeated over and over how amazing this person is.
The rise of mental illness is growing year after year among children, women, and men. We live in a society where it is still taboo to talk about it, but there are people really suffering from this disease.
This is why it is so important to share a moment of kindness with someone because you never know what someone is going through.
I thank God I could be a voice of reason for that individual last night.
Now just think if people would take out the time to listen to someone in need.
How do you know when someone is in need of help? Look at the way a person walks, observe their facial expressions, and listen to their tone of voice, the inflections in their voice.
People are crying out for help daily, but they are ignored.
I have studied those individuals who suffer from mental illness and depression look just like the person with the biggest smile on their face. But if you really watch their body language, they are seeking someone to hear their pain.
Now is the time to listen, be attentive, be kind and show love to one another.
The next day is never promised and you never know who may read about in the obituary the following week.
If you know anyone suffering from mental illness and depression, please do not ignore them.
Give them your undivided attention and pray with them. Let us all be mindful of how we treat each other and talk to one another.
I challenge each and every one of you to bring positivity back and show an act of kindness each and every day.
Mary Ekene/ Activist and the author for Bring Positivity Back, Founder of Livol/ Crazy Faith Ministries