Newton County Sheriff’s Report 1.13.20
Published 2:07 pm Monday, January 13, 2020
PRESS RELEASE — Hope everyone had a great weekend. Pretty good around here, let’s see what’s been going on.
Had a side by side stolen from a hunting club. Keys were in victim’s camper. Bad guy broke into camper, got keys and stole side by side. We recovered it about 10 miles away.
Had several vehicles broken into near Bleakwood. They stole guns from one of them. One of the other victim’s has a video with the thief holding the stolen gun. I hope to get the video today.
A clerk found a small amount of weed on a shelf in the store. She destroyed it. This is the second time in a couple of months the dopers have lost their drugs. That should tell us something about druggies.
We received a report of a 4-wheeler being stolen from a deer lease. It’s a 200 Camo Grizzly. Any information would be appreciated. Hunting season is over for most. We need to secure all our man toys at the camp. Moving our game cameras from feeders to camps will help us a lot.
Gotta go. Have Court this morning. Thought for the week: Guilt, the gift that keeps on giving. Ya’ll have a great week and if we can help, just holler. God Bless.