No greater gift than love
Published 10:45 am Saturday, December 21, 2019
As we embark on another Christmas day, I hear the phrase “Jesus is the reason for the season.”
This for me is a true statement.
Jesus is the reason for my season of joy.
For the Lord, is my rock and my fortress.
The reason for my season of Love, for God so loved the world including me (seemingly unlovable) that He gave His life to save mine. The reason for my season of thankfulness, I’m thankful that I have my family, health, and strength.
Jesus is the reason for my season of seasons. Winter, spring summer or fall, all I have to do is call and I know the Holy Spirit is there.
Yes, Jesus is the reason that we’re not in the season where we use to be and well on our way to a new season of living.
Let’s not join in on the commercialization of the birth of our Lord and Savior. I’m not against the giving of gifts but I do agree with the Christmas tune that suggests that we should give love on Christmas day.
“Even the man who has everything would be so happy if you would bring him love on Christmas day.”
We have learned the most powerful Christmas speech of all that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:16-17)
What will it cost us to give love? To give love that will give life?
I would like to challenge us on this Christmas day to give gifts that money can’t buy.
Can we give the gift of forgiveness? Matthew records that if we bring our “gift” to the altar and there remember that our brother has something against us we are to leave our “gift” there and go and reconcile with them.
It’s hard enough to experience the Christmas season without our loved ones who God has called home.
Let’s not lose another season of Christmas because we can’t forgive/reconcile.
If we truly believe Jesus is the reason for the season, we must embrace the gift He gives us, Love!!!
Give love this Christmas day, what will it cost you? No greater gift is there than love.
Demetrius Moffett is Senior Pastor of Orange Church of God-Embassy of Grace, 1911 North 16th Street in Orange.