Newton County Sheriff’s reports 12.9.19
Published 10:40 am Monday, December 9, 2019
PRESS RELEASE — We had a good week around here last week. Hope all went good with you and yours.
We started off the week with two drug arrests in the Deweyville area. One was for delivery. We also arrested a man we have been looking for.
We received a report of a school bus accident. Thank God nobody was injured. This kind of call gets everyone hopping.
We worked with Child Protective Services to remove a couple of children from a residence. These children were being left alone, no electricity, no food, etc. Breaks my heart. They are doing better now.
No one has come and claimed the backpack with meth in it.
A lady’s pot belly pig got to rooting up the neighbor’s property. One gonna kill the pig, the other gonna kill them. WOW! What a mess. Deputy Blakney handled it. At least I think its handled- no report that someone’s been shot.
Sorry so short but I have Court. Thought for the week, Life always gives you a chance… it’s called tomorrow. Y’all have a great week and if we can help, just holler. God Bless.