Positive Highlights: Spreading Crazy Faith
Published 4:27 pm Wednesday, October 23, 2019
- Positive Highlights by Mary Ekene
What is the definition of faith to you? When you are going through rough situations, do you automatically give up and want to hide under a rock? Do you throw everything away on a challenging situation that could save your life?
Ask yourself, what does faith mean to you?
For me personally, I have that “crazy faith”.
I have that faith that no matter what trial I go through, I believe that God will bring me out.
I have a faith that when it feels as if the darkness seems permanent, God comes right in and shows me HE IS GOD!
“Crazy Faith” is a spiritual movement that I want to share with others about God’s divine purpose in our lives. When you find yourself with nowhere to turn and you want to give up; I challenge you to get to know God for yourself.
He is a healer, a way maker, the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
We are living in times where people do not care about having faith anymore and it is more about them. The time is NOW to have that crazy faith and be a minister to each other through love, joy, and peace.
You only need to have faith as small as a mustard seed, try Him today!
Mary Ekene/ Activist for Bring Positivity Back / Owner of Livol/ Ministry of “Crazy Faith”