Newton County Sheriff’s Weekly Report 10.7.19
Published 10:16 am Monday, October 7, 2019
PRESS RELEASE — Hope everyone had a good week. Not too bad around here.
I received several calls from citizens in Orange County thanking us and Deweyville Fire Department. Commissioner Bill Fuller took his Duce and Half military truck to Deweyville for the fire department to use. They did lots of rescues in Orange County. Thanks to all involved.
Whenever I let ya’ll know that we are looking for someone and need your help, please just call. Please don’t knock him in the head and bring him to us. Threats were made to this effect.
Received an assault call where two ambulances were needed. One ambulance for the guy who got hit in the head several times. The other ambulance for the bad guy who said he smoked some bad dope (K-2).
Several items were stolen from Mr. Roy Nash’s shop in Bon Wier. A Miller welding machine, an air compressor, a cutting torch and gauges. Several other tools also. We need some help on this. If you hear anything, please let us know.
Received a call where a man in a black Nissan was shooting a pistol and yelling at someone. If you were the guy getting shot at, give us a call.
Brittany Spivey (one of our 911 operators) house burned to the ground. Brittany has three daughters that live with her. Help is needed. Anyone wanting to help, please give us a call. 409-379-3636. For information about sizes for the children and Brittany please call Vicki Hall at our office. Again, the number is 409-379-3636.
Gotta go. Thought for the week: Jesus loves you this I know. Ya’ll have a great week and if we can help, just holler. God Bless!