Separate debris properly or it will not be collected
Published 11:47 am Sunday, September 22, 2019
PRESS RELEASE — Citizens MUST separate roadside debris as required by FEMA. If the debris is NOT correctly separated, the debris will
not be picked up.
Orange County, City of Orange, City of Vidor, City West Orange, City of Pinehurst, City of Bridge City, Rose City and Pine Forest officials are under a joint agreement with debris removal operations and are required to follow FEMA guidelines.
FEMA requires debris and damaged material to be SEPARATED into FOUR DISTINCT CATEGORIES:
• C&D Piles- construction and demolition materials
• Green …Waste Piles- tree limbs, branches and cuttings
• White Goods- refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, etc.
• Hazardous Waste- paints, household chemicals, etc.
Debris must be placed IN SEPARATE piles to the side of the road in a manner that is NOT blocking the roadway in any way and should be accessible for pick up with a grappling truck.
It may take several days for debris removal to begin.