From the editor: So, let the countdown begins
Published 8:53 am Wednesday, September 18, 2019
- From the Editor
At this time of year, there are many countdowns as students fall into school routines and parents start looking towards the holidays.
Yes, I said it – holidays. The glorious days of preparing new recipes to see if they can make the cut for the big family Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner or maybe, you are planning a special New Year’s Eve gathering with friends.
All this comes to mind as I watch the Lions Clubs Charity Carnival sets up.
Every year, as I watch the rides as they are assembled and booths set up, it reminds me that Fall is just around the corner.
I am not a fan of shopping and to compensate for it, my family started a tradition of making each gift we give during the holidays. For years, decades, this has worked for us. However, 2019 has been a different kind of year for us.
This year, I will have to venture out into the unknown and participate in the Holiday Shopping experience.
Last year, I avoided shopping outside of Orange County for 12 months. The only time I did was for an item just not available in the county and in one case, I had to go outside the state.
So, I know it can be done. It should be done and, in the process, I am doing a small part to help our community by keeping my money local.
In the upcoming shopping season, shop Orange County first.
If something is not available in the area, such as a specialty yarn shop, consider opening one.
Maybe a tea shop specializing in hundreds of teas is more along with your preference.
If we open it, they will come. Then, maybe then, we will start attracting more outside spending and increase our sales tax revenues, thus increasing local entities budgets without raising taxes.
It all starts with one step, or in this case, one purchase.
Dawn Burleigh is the editor of The Orange Leader. She can be reached at