Zoning Board of Adjustments to consider RV Park on I-10
Published 9:32 am Saturday, September 7, 2019
By Dawn Burleigh
The Orange Leader
City of Orange Zoning Board of Adjustments will hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Neighborhood Facilities Building located at 303 North 8th Street in Orange to consider a special exception to construct a recreational vehicle park at 5000 Interstate 10 in Orange.
After the hearing, the board will discuss and take action on the item following the hearing, according to the agenda for the meeting.
In a memorandum in the agenda packet, Bobby Hiner is requesting the Special Exception to construct RV Park at the old Longhorn Club property. The property is zoned for Interstate Development Corridor.

Courtesy maps
Maps show the area under consideration for a special exception and zoning variance at the 5:30 p.m. Tuesday meeting of the City of Orange Zoning Board of Adjustments.
Letters were sent out to property owners within 300 linear feet of the property as required.
In a footnote for the memorandum, it reads:
Last year, a recreational vehicle park was proposed for property near the subject property (5000 I-10). Residents of the neighborhood adjoining that property spoke out overwhelmingly against the proposed recreational vehicle park and the Board of Adjustment denied the Special Exception request. In the matter before the Board this time, the neighborhood did not receive letters about the requested Special Exception since the neighborhood is located outside the 300 linear feet limit.
In the application for the hearing, Hines wrote the old arena area may possibly be used as storage space for RV vehicles, heavy equipment.
He also noted on the application the property is not being used at this time. In the past, it was the location of the Longhorn Club before it relocated to Louisiana and ‘lay down yard’ for pipeline storage.