From the publisher: Citizens serving on city council – a reason to be thankful
Published 12:53 pm Friday, June 28, 2019
- A word with Bobby Tingle, publisher
The latest members of the City Council of Orange who are committing their time and talents to serve have been duly elected.
Soon they will be sworn in and take their post to serve their constituents.
Mary McKenna has been elected to serve citizens in District 4 and Caroline Hennigan in at large Position 5. They will join District 1-3 members Patrick A. Pullen, Brad Childs and Terrie Salter along with At Large Position 6 member Paul Burch and Mayor Larry Spears.
McKenna and Hennigan replace Annette Pernell and Bill Mello as a result of the recent election.
Each of these nine citizens should be the recipient of our gratitude.
They are on the front line of local government representing folks shopping at the same grocery stores, pumping their gas from the same pumps and eating at the same local restaurants.
And yes, driving down the same roads.
Will any council be perfect?
Next time you see one of these individuals at church, their place of business, at the park, in the neighborhood or in the grocery store tell them thanks for serving.
They deserve your gratitude.
Donald Trump will run again
United States President Donald Trump has announced he will again run for office. He has one more term of eligibility and frankly, he does not appear to be showing any signs of slowing down regardless of his age or the pressures of the job.
He has a lot of Democrat challengers. Or there are at least a lot of folks lining up to sling mud at each other to see which one will end up on top of the heap to run against him.
According to pollsters survey, respondents like Joe Biden the most among the likes of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Fortunately, a few younger folks are in the running also.
Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke and Pete Buttigieg round out the list of front-runners so-to-speak for now.
Trump pledged to ‘Make America Great Again’ the first time around. Now he pledges to ‘Keep America Great’.
Somewhere it seems it was recorded the Democrat candidates will debate.
Not necessarily noteworthy news.
Except the debates will be televised exclusively on MSNBC.
Hmmmm, does the rest of the world not count to the Dems?
A competitor of MSNBC, FOX, posts monthly results of the number of viewers for the top three cable news shows. FOX routinely beats them all. Sometimes they even boast of a larger audience than the other two combined.
If there is even a hint of truth in their report, then why would the Democrats want to speak to such a narrow audience? Even if the three have equal numbers of viewers then the Democrats are leaving out two-thirds of news viewers.
Even C-Span is being left out.
Why would the Democrats possibly want to exclude so many potential converts with their message they deem superior?
We may never know.
Gisela Houseman Medical Complex
On Interstate 10 at the intersection of Highway 62 is a 20-acre tract of land, which the Kiliamanjaro Corporation intends to donate to the Orange Economic Development Corporation.
The donation is conditional. It must be used for medical and dental healthcare and related facilities.
Examples of such facilities include a hospital or micro-hospital.
This could be good news.
If it means there are investors serious about a hospital in Orange then this is fantastic news.
A public hearing is scheduled at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Orange Public Library Auditorium.
Be there to find out more and ask questions.
Bobby Tingle is the publisher of The Orange Leader. You can reach him at