Commissioners Court has busy day
Published 7:54 pm Thursday, June 27, 2019
- Latest from the Orange County Commissioner's Court
By Bayleigh Swanton
The Orange Leader
The Orange County Court Commissioners had a busy day during their session where they approved eight line item transfers for the Management Information Systems, County Auditor, Sheriff’s Office, The Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Airport, and the Mailroom.
During their meeting, the court discussed actions to be taken regarding the damage of the roof on the District Clerk’s office. Due to FEMA, the item was given no action this week and will be seeking possible action soon.
Weaver and Tidwell L.L.C addressed the court with the Annual Financial Report. The report was an unmodified opinion which is the highest level of accuracy within audits. John H. Gothia, Commissioner for Precinct 3, believes that this audit will set a lot of people’s mind at ease.
“The County is doing a good job of managing its finances,” County Judge Carl K. Thibodeaux said after the Financial Reports reading.
At the beginning of the Court session, Theresa Adams Beauchamp, commissioner of Precinct 2, addressed the court about the most recent issue involving the loss of electricity and the failure of the backup generators, affecting public transportation near her temporary office off of 16th street.
With the power outage, the transportation services lost all use of their computers, putting them behind. The back-up generators that have been put in place failed to kick in after the outage due to an issue with the coolant in them.
Beauchamp urged the County’s maintenance department to look into setting up a schedule to check these generators before there is an issue with them, especially with hurricane season coming up.
The session came to a close shortly after the approval for the Maintenance Department to make motions regarding the property located at 1307 14th street, which was acquired by the city in May of 2017. The department is looking to move forward with the property, suggesting to tear down the home on the lot and turn it into a green space, with that suggestion being motioned for approval by Beauchamp.
Sheriff Keith Merritt also addressed the court, announcing that due to the weather this week the event Cops with Kids, that is to be held Friday, could potentially be postponed to a later date. Merritt encouraged all to keep an eye out for any changes in the date for the events, so all can attend.