It’s people, people, people not location, location, location
Published 1:11 pm Tuesday, June 4, 2019
- A word with Bobby Tingle, publisher
By Bobby Tingle
Mike Umbenhaur is the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Orange on Green Avenue and has been for 11 years.
He and his wife drove here from California in 2008. The trip should have taken three days, but it was six days before they arrived.
As Mike and his family packed to move to Orange they kept an eye on The Weather Channel. Hurricane Ike was brewing in the Gulf of Mexico. As the winds and storm surge made landfall on September 13, 2008, the Umbenhaurs were embarking on their move.
He and his family must have really felt a calling. They never turned back. They even waited in North Texas a few days to allow time for room in the inn to be cleared in their new home town.
Ike had done a number on the area and living arrangements were a bit sparse.
Rather than turn back, the Umbenhaurs continued on.
They have remained here for 11 years for a good reason.
They like the people.
When Tropical Storm Harvey ravaged the Gulf Coast, the Umbenhaurs experienced a hurricane as a resident.
Like many others, they have had to deal with flooded living quarters and make do arrangements.
Umbenhaur told his story to Rotarians of Orange at their weekly luncheon on Tuesday at Roberts Steakhouse.
His children were 11, 9 and 6 upon their arrival. Now they are on the verge of getting through college, in college or about to be. Half of his married life has been spent in Orange. His bride is employed here at a local business.
The Umbenhaurs have become a part of the people he spoke so highly of when answering the questions: Why Orange? Why have you stayed here?
Living half way across the United States from family has its drawbacks.
It is difficult to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries when separated by such a large land mass.
He admitted family ties would likely be the catalyst, which moves them back to California.
But as of now, there are no plans to do so.
You can tell, by listening to Umbenhaur, he is sincere about his love for the people. His affections extend past his family and church he serves to the community at large. He is an active member of the Orange Rotary Club and serves on the Housing Authority for the City of Orange.
So, he has his tentacles of relationships stretched out.
If you listen about town, you will hear the same sentiment expressed by others in the community. The Orange area seems to have a good reputation for being friendly and hospitable.
It’s a good reputation to have.
Go Orange! Keep up the good work!
Gender reveal golf balls are a real thing
Grandchild number nine, Drew Alan, is a boy.
When his dad teed up the golf ball in his front yard Saturday he took a few practice swings to ensure his tee stroke was smooth and sure.
After taking a few deep breaths and drawing his driver back, he smoothly and efficiently stroked through the golf ball perched at his feet on the tee.
The golf ball went nowhere. It shattered into at least half a dozen pieces flung about beyond the tee no more than a few yards away.
As the golf ball exploded, a plume of blue smoke burst forth along and above the line of freshly mown grass.
The gender reveal was a success. The color told the tale.
Drew is about 16 weeks along and is scheduled to arrive very early in November.
It will be an interesting Thanksgiving holiday.
Medical technology is responsible for the gender reveal phenomenon. I am not sure what I think about revealing gender before birth.
But no one asked me.
Bobby Tingle is the publisher of The Orange Leader. You can reach him at