Let’s hear from the candidates for Run Off Election
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 22, 2019
- From the Editor
With each election, The Orange Leader allows candidates an opportunity to share their platform with the citizens. As a service to the community, we will publish letters of introduction from the candidates to run on the Opinion page as submitted. This allows voters an opportunity to learn more about each candidate so citizens can make an informed decision when they are at the polls.
Letters should be approximately 550 words and the candidate will need to submit a photo and the article in digital format to dawn.burleigh@orangeleader.com
Run Off Election Candidates for the June 15, 2019 election are:
Orange Council
Single Member District 4
Mary McKenna
Annette Pernell*
At Large Member 5
Caroline Mazzola Hennigan
Bill Mello*
* Incumbent
Cheers and Jeers moving off the Opinion Page
With the move to our new location, 1008 Green Ave. in Orange, you may have noticed some other new changes such as the look of your paper.
The look of our name has changed and some of the pages are being redesigned to give them a fresh new look.
In the process of this, we no longer have a cartoon or an image of the front page on the Opinion page.
However, we believe in giving the people a voice. As such, we did not want to completely discontinue Cheers and Jeers.
Many times I have been told about something someone saw and either wanted to give kudos to a person or point out an issue for which they were seeking a solution.
We will publish Cheers and Jeers of photographs sent in by you.
When submitting the pictures, give us a sentence or two of why you are cheering or jeering the picture. The pictures will include ‘Photo courtesy of’ so please let us know if you want credit for taking and submitting the picture or if you would prefer it to read ‘Courtesy photo’
There are so many positive actions happening in Orange, we actually expect more Cheers than Jeers. We also understand there are areas, issues and such which citizens want others to be made aware.
These pictures will be found elsewhere in the paper, usually page 2, as they are sent in.
Send Cheers and Jeers photos to news@orangeleader.com
Dawn Burleigh is editor of The Orange Leader. She can be reached at dawn.burleigh@orangeleader.com