Letter to The Editor: Rural Americans deserve quality end-of-life care!

Published 8:00 am Monday, May 20, 2019

Dear Editor:

I want to congratulate Senators Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire and Congressman Ron Kind from Wisconsin and Congresswoman Jackie Walorski of Kansas for working together, across the aisle, to reintroduce the Rural Access to Hospice Act (H.R.2594/S.1190). I encourage our Members of Congress to pass the Rural Access to Hospice Act so that all Americans can have timely access to high-quality hospice care.  In many of our rural communities, primary care providers serve in Rural Health Clinics, which means they are unable to accept Medicare payment for hospice services – leaving individuals and families in rural America unable to access important end-of-life care. This is unfair.  No one should ever be denied the benefits of hospice care because of where they live. Please join me in urging Congress to pass the Rural Access to Hospice Act to ensure all people receive the care they need at the end of life. 


Nick Lampson