Success starts at home

Published 9:42 pm Sunday, May 19, 2019

“To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself” Soren Kierkegaard.

When it comes to dreams and visions, do children have realistic goals? Have we intentionally exposed them to various different opportunities in life?

The operative word is “intentionally.”

What are we intentionally introducing our children to? Are we introducing our children to our biases? Are we just allowing for social media and cable to have more of an influence on our children in the selection of goals?

There are so many opportunities in the world today.

An article on reports a study released by the NCAA found that of the more than 370,000 athletes at the college level, an average of 99.2-percent, will go pro in something other than sports and the exact same percentage will really disappoint their dad because of it. 

“There are programs all across the country at various level and in dozens of sports, male and female. But there are a very limited number of professional leagues and teams beyond the college level. That means most athletes have to make a living outside of sports after college. And despite those odds and that reality, their dads will feel at least a little bit of regret about them not going pro.”

Dads and some moms for that matter might be disappointed or feel some form of regret.

But has the child lost themselves in trying to fulfill the dreams of their parents instead of looking to achieve their own passions?

As parents, are we instilling, imparting great work ethic and study habits into our children to help them to be a success beyond high school?

Introducing our children to opportunities without cultivating what it takes to make does our children a disservice. I’ve found that there is a growing trend. No matter what our children desire to do, they don’t want to do what it takes to go pro.

No great person has ever become great by not putting in great work.

Success, getting people to accomplish what they want to accomplish by doing what they don’t necessarily enjoy doing.

To be the best they can be, we need to expose our children to the principle of practice participation.

Practice today may not make them perfect tomorrow, but it does make them better than they were and that the day before and within its self is a success.


Demetrius Moffett is Senior Pastor of Orange Church of God, 1911 North 16th Street in Orange.