From the Publisher: The realities of economic development
Published 8:00 am Tuesday, May 14, 2019
- A word with Bobby Tingle, publisher
By Bobby Tingle
Approximately 200 business, civic and industrial leaders gathered Wednesday at the Orange County Convention and Expo Center to learn about and show support for economic development in Orange County.
There were several partners who collaborated to make the event happen including: The Orange County and City of Orange Economic Development Corporations; the Greater Orange Area, Bridge City and Vidor Chambers of Commerce; Jefferson Energy, Gopher Industrial, and Dow Chemical.
Dow Chemical Company was the presenting sponsor. Dow Site Director Jean Algate provided opening remarks in which she expressed her appreciation for the number of attendees and the sense of community shown by residents of Orange County.
City of Orange Mayor Larry Spears introduced Nicole Ryf and Tad Curtis who provided an overview of the State of Texas involvement in the economic development efforts throughout the state.
Ryf is the Director of Business and Community Development with the Governor’s office in Austin.
According to remarks made by Ryf, Texas is the 10th largest economy in the world, larger even than the economy of Russia.
Ryf pointed out all economic development begins at the local level. As a community engages in the process the state is available to aid along the way.
The state connects investors with community representatives who provide the information needed for the investors to eliminate prospective sites.
You have to ‘prove’ your worth to the investors. If you do then you can compete. If you do not the process ends.
Texas has a good track record of being able to provide the infrastructure and workforce necessary for investors to achieve their goals and their interest.
Texas offers some help in the arena of incentives but primarily it is the local community which constructs the package of incentives.
According to Ryf, incentives are a necessity.
But, she stressed, Texas offers the least amount of incentives on a per job basis than other states competing to attract investors.
Ryf was complimentary of Orange County. She noted the great turnout at the lunch. She noted as well, having spent time with many of those engaged in economic development here, that our local folks are competent and capable.
Which is good news. It seems the economic engine of Texas and the United States is poised for a solid economic future.
Business growth leads to jobs and strong communities.
It is time for Orange County to get its slice of the pie.
From conception to heartbeat in 45 days
In the sixth week of gestation, a child’s heart has formed, is beating and is pumping blood throughout the child’s body.
According to a video titled, Conception to birth – visualized the developing fetus in the first trimester achieves a growth rate, which if sustained for the entire nine months of gestation, would result in the birth of a child weighing 1.5 tons.
Viewed through the lens of modern science and imaging technology it is easy to be captivated by the astonishing process of the development of a child during the nine-month gestation period.
The video is less than 10 minutes in length. It is well worth your time.
Know what’s scheduled, click here for area calendar
Editor Dawn Burleigh has assembled and maintains an excellent local calendar of events published in print and online. You can pick up a copy of The Orange Leader on Wednesday and Saturday at locations around town or you can subscribe and have your copy mailed. You can also look at the top of our home page at and click on the calendar link for a beautiful display of local events.
Check it out. There is much to do in Orange and the surrounding area.
Bobby Tingle is the publisher of The Orange Leader. You can reach him at