Senior Rally Day, National Mental Health Awareness Month proclaimed
Published 4:04 pm Wednesday, May 8, 2019
By Michael Cole
The Orange Leader
Orange County Commissioners Court praised a local group for their dedication and hard work.
Court then began by designating Tuesday, May 14, 2019, as Senior Rally Day. Representatives from the group spoke to the court pointing out Senior Rally Day has been a tradition for the last 50 years in Orange County.
An event Seniors enjoy and the community turns out for, Commissioner Johnny Trahan remarked that except last year, he has been at everyone for as long as he can remember.
The court also designated May 2019 as National Mental Health Awareness Month. Judge Thibodeaux urged everyone in the county to help bring awareness of Mental Health and to encourage helping those suffering from it.
A representative of Spindletop Center thanked the Court and pointed out that they hold meetings on the third Thursday of each month at Starlight Church, located at 2800 Bob Hall Road in Orange.
Kurt Guidry, head of maintenance, discussed several maintenance projects, including post-Harvey repairs, FEMA funding for those repairs and the possible decision to pay for repairs out of pocket instead of waiting on FEMA.
The delay is holding up repairs to the courthouse and the Precinct Two buildings.
Theresa Beauchamp asked about how far along the repairs to her office were. Pointing out that in her temporary offices, she is hard pressed to do the job she was elected to do.
Commissioners discussed the need to handle supply deliveries while the maintenance department was shorthanded. The person who currently handles deliveries for the department will be going on medical leave indefinitely and there is no budget money to hire a replacement. The court decided to ask the various departments to pick up their own supplies as much as possible to help out while there were manpower shortages.
Commissioners discussed mowing on county-owned buildings and properties.
Guidry pointed out that the county has about 80 buyback properties that they cannot sell, but must maintain for the next 200 years, and only about four employees to handle that and all other county maintenance work.
Commissioners discussed repainting parking lots, but held of deciding pending a report on costs and logistics
The Court went into a closed door session to talk about internal matters dealing with one or more public officers for the county. No action was taken on the matter once the Court returned to regular session.