From The Publisher: The importance of an education
Published 4:51 pm Sunday, March 3, 2019
- A word with Bobby Tingle, publisher
My bride is engaged every school day with a group of students at the Montessori School of Nederland.
Working with two and three-year-olds is a challenge.
The school has created an environment, which allows students to grasp the building blocks of learning. As they develop basic academic skills they are equipped to advance at each level of their development.
To be sure, she is working with these students at a basic level. Counting to ten, learning letters, up versus down and how to wash a plate when you finish eating.
If her stories are accurate then one of the student’s favorite parts of the day is playground time.
One day it was too wet and muddy to play on the playground. (Apparently, it rains as much in Nederland as it does in Orange). So ‘Miss Gayle’ suggested they run around the perimeter of the playground. They loved it.
By the time students reach kindergarten, they can read, have basic math skills and can fold a napkin.
The discipline and order of the school allow them to flourish, at their own pace.
The State of Texas and area school districts understand the importance of education.
As proof, I would offer the column in today’s edition of The Orange Leader submitted by Superintendent Dr. Rickie Harris.
Harris provides an overview of a Higher Education Plan, 60x30TX. He goes on to detail the many ways in which his school district is engaged in providing the environment for students to advance their academic levels and skill sets.
These are the building blocks for productive employment and running a business.
Harris and his team have a daunting task.
Taking a child from kindergarten through their senior year in high school and ultimately see them off with a diploma is a challenge. For most students those years of development present developmental challenges.
From what I read in his column, it appears Harris and his team have provided an environment where students are provided the opportunity.
I am convinced other area school districts do as well.
The State of Texas and individual school districts have provided academic opportunities to countless students for many years. The tradition will surely continue.
Note, in Harris’ column, the stated purpose of meeting ‘standing and emerging needs as well as enriching our communities.’
That means we now need a skilled and academically equipped workforce. We will need the same in the future. Our community is enriched when we achieve this goal.
These are important goals. In this case, what is good for the community is also good for the student.
Upon graduation, a student equipped with the skills and aptitude to flourish in their chosen field of endeavor will be happier and more content.
Hats off to Harris, his team, and the other area school districts toiling away each day to achieve their goals.
Bobby Tingle is the publisher of The Orange Leader. You can reach him at