Dad’s step up, not out
Published 9:37 am Saturday, February 9, 2019
By Demetrius Moffett
“And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4.
What makes a father? What is the difference between a father and a daddy?
I’ve heard so much about deadbeat dad’s, being referred to as just sperm donors.
I’m pleased to share there are several young fathers/dads under the age of 40 that have just blessed my life. The Lord has provided the opportunity for these young minority men to gather and play basketball on our church campus. I’ve noticed an increasing amount of these young fathers who are bringing their children with them.
Being very intrigued by what I’m being blessed to experience. I asked several of them why do they bring their children with them? The unanimous response that I received was “it’s what I enjoy doing.”
I simply smiled.
Here we have dads that enjoy spending time with their son or daughter.
Understand not all of these dads are with their child’s mother. Some share that the relationship with their children’s mother is not as strong as it could be but they don’t and won’t allow that to deter them from spending quality time with the one they love.
It’s amazing to see the joy coming from the faces of these young children hanging out with their fathers.
But more amazing is to see how the village of the young men who attend open gym rallying around this next generation to watch them while their fathers are on the court.
I’ve witnessed these minority young men under the age of 40, who themselves don’t have children, investing their time in establishing a bond with each other to help oversee the children.
Yes, there are dads who are not or have not been in their children’s lives for one reason or another.
However, I’m sounding the horn to let the world know that there are some special young men who have not stepped out but stepped up in being in the lives of their children. Even to the point of being a single parent dad.
One dad said it this way. “My son didn’t ask to be here. Because I was a willing participant in him being here, I owe him to be a willing participant to be here for him. And this I take pride in.”
I’m so proud of all these young men, especially those who are training and raising their children.
Being a dad is about stepping up not stepping out.
Demetrius Moffett is Senior Pastor of Orange Church of God, 1911 North 16th Street in Orange.