Give it your all
Published 1:40 pm Sunday, February 3, 2019
By John Warren
I am so impressed by people with talent!
Thank the Lord for YouTube. This app has opened the door to share such wonderful talent across the world.
My heart swells with the wonder of a God who has such a capacity to create in us mere normal human beings such beauty. I especially enjoy people who can play the piano.
I tried but I cannot get my hands to do two different things!
I came across a video of a man in a mall playing Amazing Grace boogie-woogie style as a crowd gathered to listen before he finished, he was standing and dancing and playing at the same time.
In another video, a Western Union deliveryman stopped to play jazz on a piano in an airport.
There is talent all around us.
As I watched in amazement, I saw many people walking by as if there was no sound coming from the piano. They are just walking in their own little world as if there were no deliveryman moving with the music, his fingers flying across the key, pouring out his heart in his music.
Whatever you do, give it your all.
Christopher Ameruoso, a musician, visits Rea Gardner’s farm.
Rea rescues animals from slaughter auctions and gives them a home. Christopher goes there to play music for the animals.
Christopher explains that different animals love different instruments and sounds. But Hazel the donkey really loves the blues.
She nuzzles him as he sings “My donkey don’t wear no diamond ring”.
Hazel shows her appreciation for Christopher playing music for her. She cries when he stops playing. What does that tell us? That Hazel is smarter and more appreciative than some people!
Can you imagine how God must feel when God looks down upon us and we do not appreciate the talented gifts He shares with us? Take time to savor the beauty in the world. To do that is to worship the wonder of God and the talents given us.
“Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with the timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.”
By John Warren
I am so impressed by people with talent!
Thank the Lord for YouTube. This app has opened the door to share such wonderful talent across the world.
My heart swells with wonder of a God who has such a capacity to create in us mere normal human beings such beauty. I especially enjoy people who can play the piano.
I tried but I cannot get my hands to do two different things!
I came across a video of a man in a mall playing Amazing Grace boogie-woogie style as a crowd gathered to listen, before he finished, he was standing and dancing and playing at the same time.
In another video, a Western Union deliveryman stopped to play jazz on a piano in an airport.
There is talent all around us.
As I watched in amazement, I saw many people walking by as if there was no sound coming from the piano. They are just walking in their own little world as if there were no deliveryman moving with the music, his fingers flying across the key, pouring out his heart in his music.
Whatever you do give it your all.
Christopher Ameruoso, a musician, visits Rea Gardner’s farm.
Rea rescues animals from slaughter auctions and gives them a home. Christopher goes there to play music to the animals.
Christopher explains that different animals love different instruments and sounds. But Hazel the donkey really loves the blues.
She nuzzles him as he sings “My donkey don’t wear no diamond ring”.
Hazel shows her appreciation for Christopher playing music for her. She cries when he stops playing. What does that tell us? That Hazel is smarter and more appreciative than some people!
Can you imagine how God must feel when God looks down upon us and we do not appreciate the talented gifts He shares with us? Take time to savor the beauty in the world. To do that is to worship the wonder of God and the talents given us.
“Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with the timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.” Psalm 150:1-5
John Warren is Senior Pastor at First United Methodist Church, 502 North 6th Street in Orange.
John Warren is Senior Pastor at First United Methodist Church, 502 North 6th Street in Orange.