Fall semester includes student success, exciting new college and career prep opportunities

Published 3:07 pm Sunday, December 2, 2018

By Rickie R. Harris


Over the past months, I have shared information regarding the many projects associated with the November bond election. However, there is so much more happening within our schools.

I want to recognize students from West OrOrange-Starkiddle School and High School who have earned selection to the All-Region choir. Congratulations to Jaya Tizeano, an eighth grader, and High School students Destiny Ambers, Micah Douglas, Mycah Brown, Isaiah Chatman, and Manuel Franklin. Additionally, Mycah, Isaiah, and Manuel scored high enough to advance to the Pre-Area round of competition.  We are proud of each of you!


We are very excited to have added a College, Career, and Military Readiness Counselor at WOS High School this year. Jennifer Sims is doing an outstanding job in this role. She has been busy assisting Mustangs in planning and preparing for life after High School graduation. Here are a few examples of the recent activities our new counselor and the High School team have provided.

  • WOS High School held a SAT Day at the campus. Seniors took the SAT while all sophomores and some juniors (striving to qualify for the Nation Merit Scholar program) took the PSAT. All of these tests were administered at no cost to students during a campus-wide college prep test day.
  • WOS High School hosted a College Financial Aid Night with the support of Lamar State College – Orange.  The meeting, open to all students, shared information regarding completion of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Students were able to schedule appointments to receive one-on-one assistance in completing the FAFSA document. These support sessions were held at WOS High School with LSCO financial aid specialists. We very much appreciate LSCO’s support. Thank you!
  • Our students attended the LSCO College Fair. We were happy to see so many Mustangs attend!
  • College and military representatives have visited WOS High School:  Lamar University, McNeese State University, Vista College, Lamar State College-Port Arthur, Texas Southern University, Lamar State College-Orange, the Army, Air Force, and Navy.
  • Texas A&M made a presentation to WOS students in the top 20 percent.
  • Staff from Lamar University’s Admissions Department met with the entire senior class.
  • WOS High School juniors attended the Career Expo at Ford Park. Thank you to Chem32 for providing support for this event.
  • Seniors toured the Lamar State College – Orange campus.
  • The Remind app is being used to communicate important information regarding college and career opportunities. Students/parents can subscribe by texting 81010 and the appropriate year of graduation in the message: @woshs2019, @woshs2020, @woshs2021, and/or @woshs2022.

Additionally, WOS High School is in the process of setting up a TSI Testing center. WOCCISD will provide a full Texas Success Initiative assessment for each of our students. Becoming a testing center allows the test to become immediately more accessible (as opposed to testing at a college prior to registration) with the added advantage of immediate feedback.

Upcoming events include an Elementary Career Fair and a junior class tour of Lamar University.

We believe in John Maxwell’s philosophy that “One is too small a number to achieve greatness.”

Finally, congratulations to our varsity football team for winning another district championship; and, congratulations to our eighth grade and junior varsity football teams for winning their respective district competitions, as well!

Go Mustangs!


Dr. Rickie R. Harris is the Superintendent at West Orange – Cove CISD.