The view behind the lens

Published 3:30 pm Monday, November 26, 2018

By Bobby Tingle


The ‘Town Crier’ emerged from her shop into the common area to proclaim her desire to offer her patrons a deal.

She dressed the part.

Her shirt was emblazoned, ‘Aggie Mom’, and her headdress was a multi-colored plume of flexible straws, draping down like hair and adorned at the top by a white plastic bow.

She was offering a special price on ‘blinking’ treasures.

One appeared to be a lightsaber.  The other was sort of similar to a plastic snow cone with a light in the snow. (Don’t hold me to that; I have no clue what it was she was selling.)

Instinctively the photographer aimed the camera, focused and several rounds of clicks were heard.

As Denisha Keszeg realized her marketing skills were about to be digitally imaged her face lit up with a smile.  But with lightsaber poised to strike, she emphatically (laughing the whole time) instructed the photographer her photo was not for public consumption.

It was that way Saturday afternoon behind the camera at Lions Park on the last day of the Lions Carnival for 2018.

Laryn and Kyler Self had their hands full of corn dogs, chicken on a stick and water as they strolled the common area looking for their next adventure.

When they were told they must produce an ample smile or give up a bite of their chicken the laughter came and the shutter flew just in time.

Justin Mulhollan had no idea he was part of a ‘kodak’ moment.

As he reared his right arm back, his laser eyes focused on the glass target in front of him.  His hand was loaded with a dime he hoped to toss into a glass in order to claim it as his own. His dad, Hayes, had him perched on the counter at the dime toss giving him a winning angle.

Norma Teague watched intently as Sterling Weatherford pursued the same quarry at the dime toss.

As the camera fired, the shutter opened and the flash illuminated Weatherford.  The result was a pause, a turn of the head, a glare of the eyes and a look that said, ‘enough with the photos, I am trying to concentrate”.

His technique was effective.  He proudly displayed multiple items he won as evidence.

Corey and Megan Witham were at a table by the hamburger, hot dog and french fried potato stand.  Each had a hamburger.

After granting permission to be photographed, they simultaneously bit into their respective burgers.  A professional choreographer could not have orchestrated a more harmonious action. The moment was forever digitally memorialized.  The timing was perfect.

Shyleigh Charlot was at the top of the inflatable slide when her image was captured.  She is four years old and full of life according to her mom.

At the top, she took two quick jumps and launched.   Her smile was priceless.

Austin Mellon was working the goldfish ping-pong ball toss booth.  He sent one of his prizes, by courier to the photographer’s bride.

She was mortified.

“Goldfish don’t survive when I care for them,” she lamented.

After a serious negotiation between the gifted and the gifter, I witnessed my bride lose the battle.

But she was undeterred.

Coming up quietly behind her was Dylan Barton.

“Would you like a goldfish?” she asked.

His eyes lit up as he accepted the offer and extended his hand filled with ride tokens for payment.  She declined payment. She was satisfied knowing the fish was in better hands than hers.

By the time the camera was tucked back in its bag, the line for burgers was long.

Here is hoping the Lions were able to raise the funds needed for the many worthy causes they support.

The photographer certainly had a successful afternoon capturing smile after smile behind the camera lens.

The view was good behind the lens and the burger was delicious.


Bobby Tingle is the publisher of The Orange Leader.  You can reach him at