Staff gives thanks

Published 3:05 pm Monday, November 26, 2018

From staff reports

There are a lot of nice people in Orange. There are places where my family and I have called home where the people were not as nice as those in Orange.

The folks at HEB are probably the best. But the folks at Kroger are pretty close. If I am having my oil changed or getting a prescription filled, clerks and technicians are considerate of my time and are friendly while providing their service.

Taking pictures of kids with their moms and dads brings out more than nice. Usually you get a huge smile and a hearty thank you. Such was the case around the Gopher Industrial Kids Fish Tank at a recent Bassmaster event. It was also the case Saturday at the ‘dime toss’ booth at the Lions Carnival.

This year my bride and I have been blessed with grandchild six and seven. These two little girls are not even a year old but already they have a unique personality. About the time they are approaching their first birthday number eight will be here. These little blessings will bring out a heaping helping of gratitude.

Here’s hoping you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with those near and dear to you!

– Bobby Tingle, publisher


There is much to be thankful for in 2018. The county is witnessing recovery from the historical rains brought on by Hurricane Harvey. While may are now realizing how much Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations they may have lost in the storm, they are also realizing how much they have to be thankful for this year.

Essie Bellfield has been honored for her contributions to our great city over the years. Her church named a building after her as well as the City of Orange renamed the Orange Community Center after her. For these things, and for be honored while she is still here to witness our pride in her, I am sure she is grateful.

For myself, I am thankful for my boss and co-workers as they have had to be more understanding than usual this year. Thank you for your patience.

I am, and always will be, grateful for my loving husband. He is my best friend and my husband. He is my rock.

So thankful for his parents for their part in making him the man he is today.

  • Dawn Burleigh, editor



There are so many things to be thankful for after what was a wild last year.

It was great to see Orange County folks rally around one another after Hurricane Harvey devastated our area. Yes, my beautiful wife, Laura, and I watched our home fall victim to Harvey’s antics and it took us six months to get back in it with plenty of help from relatives, especially her sister and brother-in-law Dianne and Teddy Gibbens, who let us live with them during that stretch. We feel grateful, because we know some folks that still are not back in their homes. As far as the Sportsworld is concerned, my Texans, Cowboys and Saints are each playing well and so are my Texas Longhorns. And, Oh yes, the West Orange-Stark Mustangs are once again playing after Thanksgiving, doing that for the eighth straight year. So here is hoping everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and don’t let the turkey and dressing get the best of you. – Van Wade, sports editor


Every year there are an incredible amount of people and things to be thankful for every day not just at this time of the year. I am thankful for my parents, Bryan and Donna Richard, for without them I would not have achieved what I have to this point in my life. My husband, Daniel and two of the smartest boys in all of Southeast Texas- Jacob Lee and William Ethan showing me the greatest love and their patience as mom’s days have been very stressful at various times this year. Expressing thankfulness and gratitude to all of my clients who have entrusted me with their marketing campaigns and promotions this year and even more to come. The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce for allowing me to be apart of their business as an Ambassador because we all work well together to make home a greater community and place for everyone to feel welcomed. There shouldn’t be just at this time of the year, but every day be thankful for who and what you have in life because even though tomorrow isn’t promised, today as the present is just a gift from God. Treasure everything!

— Candice Trahan, Sales & Marketing Rep.