Newton County Sheriff’s Report 11.19.18

Published 1:23 pm Monday, November 19, 2018

PRESS RELEASE — Let’s see what’s been going on in our great county.

We received a report of a snake bite. With all the cold, I thought we were through with snakes till spring. Ya’ll be careful and keep a lookout for those critters.

We received two reports of hunters shooting hunting club neighboring dogs. If a dog is threating harm to someone, attacking your pets or attacking your livestock, do what you have to. However, if they are in your hunting club “Don’t Shoot Them”, it’s a 3rd degree felony.

Deputy Berry stopped a Ford pickup that was reported stolen from Orange county. One female was arrested. She is still in our jail. The next day, we recovered another stolen vehicle from Hardin county.

We had a Polaris ATV side by side stolen in the Pine Grove area over the weekend. Anytime you hear of a good deal on any ATV, please let us know.

We have court this morning, Gotta go, but first a poem we should all memorize, especially our young folks.

There was an old owl that sat in an oak

The more he heard, the less he spoke.

The less he spoke, the more he heard.

Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird. Ya’ll have a great week and if we can help, just holler. God Bless.