Newton County Sheriff’s Report 11.5.18
Published 9:51 am Monday, November 5, 2018
PRESS RELEASE — Opening day of deer season finally got here. I got called out of my stand at 7:30 am.
All well, duty calls. Hope everyone had a great opening weekend. Weather was good.
Please remember before you get out of your deer stand, make sure you unload your gun – Lets have a safe deer season.
We received a report of a verbal disturbance where guns were being shot. Nobody was shot and one of the actors was gone. A whole lot to do, turned out to be nothing.
I can’t get over how many calls we get about four-wheelers and side by sides driving on our highways. Last week we had two hit by vehicles. Wake up before ya’ll get hurt.
Gotta go. We have a criminal trial starting this morning. Thought for the week:
Work like it all depends on you, pray like it all depends on God. Ya’ll have a great week and if we can help, just holler. God Bless.