Trump: The answer to everything
Published 2:02 pm Sunday, November 4, 2018
- A word with Bobby Tingle, publisher
By Bobby Tingle
Trump is the favorite word of all the talking heads on the only news network passing through the streaming device in my home the last two months.
Trump should have run for an office in the midterm election. He would He would have won by a landslide. This network alone could have gotten him elected.
Trump was into, all about, the reason for and the answer to everything.
Let me repeat, EVERYTHING.
Do these folks not know there are other things going on?
The trouble began when my son left my bride and I with a streaming device on our television and we got hooked on streaming television.
Then we heard if we subscribed with a particular provider and paid for two months in advance we could get a streaming device of our own, free.
It was a match made in heaven.
The streaming device arrived, installed and the service was activated.
But the joke was on us. The streaming service was nice enough to give us a free ROKU but not nice enough to provide more than one news channel with their service.
The one and only they offered, CNN, is obsessed with Trump.
If Trump has not paid his advertising bill with them he should. They give him far too much airtime.
Fortunately our two-month sentence is over, and we have moved on.
Mid-term madness in Orange County
More people will vote in the mid-term election this year in Orange County than in any mid-term in recent history.
By the time Election Day rolls around November 6 the early voting count could double the total for the highest known mid-term turnout in Orange County history.
What does it mean?
Why are more people voting?
Locally we have three interesting races.
In the Republican Primary Theresa Beauchamp unseated Barry Burton from his post as Precinct Two County Commissioner.
Beauchamp is the Republican nominee facing Deborah Mitchell the Democrat nominee. The winner will replace Burton on the Orange County Commissioners Court.
Hershel Stagner, Jr. is currently serving as Justice of the Peace for Precinct One. He is the Republican nominee opposed by the Democrat choice Gail Shaw Barnett.
Orange County voters will determine the outcome of these races.
Voters in the West Orange Cove Consolidated School District will also determine the outcome of a proposed bond issue to fund projects in the school district.
Which direction will the voters take us?
United States Representative Brian Babin and State Senator Robert Nichols are in a battle to maintain their elected posts. Their opponents are Dayna Steele and Shirley Layton respectively.
United States Senator Ted Cruz has been in the news lately because his opponent, Beto O’Rourke is running much closer in the polls than the pundits expected.
Some pundits appear to be salivating as they anticipate the possibility of Beto unseating Cruz.
By 8 p.m. on Election night, November 6, we should have the results of early voting in Orange County.
With a record number voting, it is likely we will have a good idea of the eventual outcome in our county once those results are announced.
Stay tuned to for the early voting results and the final tally later in the evening.
Once you know the outcome the mid-term madness will be over. Or it could just be the beginning of the race for POTUS 2020.
Bobby Tingle is publisher of The Orange Leader. You can reach him at